Saturday, June 14, 2014

Opportunities to Serve in Grace Foundation

Grace Foundation has need for staff. There are opportunities for both short and long term staff. We would love for you to come and join the team. The urgent and immediate staff needs are:

1) Church Planters
This is our number one need. We are beginning to see how few people are really willing to give their lives up to plant churches among unreached people where there are none. It is a long, hard process of making relationships over time and takes awhile to see fruit which is why many don't feel "called" to do it. Please pray for more people that would be willing to do evangelism, discipleship, and church planting among the many unreached people groups.

2) Pastoral Care
Pray for a couple seasoned in life and ministry to come on board to oversee the spiritual life of the GF missionaries. We need someone with a lot of wisdom, counseling experience, knowledge of the Word, good speaking skills, compassion that speaks the truth in love and gifted in member care.

3) Medical Personnel
We need a full-time doctor or nurse to help run the medical side of our ministry which helps open so many doors. We need someone to be in charge of all short-term medical teams coming through the base as well as oversee the mobile medical team which will be getting underway soon.

4) Missionary Children Teacher
We need someone that would be willing to come down to teach staff and students' children or assist in the home-school process in order to free the parents up to get more involved in ministry.

5) Internet
We need someone that would serve as our webmaster and be in charge of our search engine optimization. This person would be responsible for helping with all our IT needs and finding more effective ways of using the internet as a way of reaching the nations. We would also like someone with video editing knowledge to help with promotion and production of new resources to help advance the kingdom through media.

6) Maintenance Person
We need a "handy man" that could take care of all the little odd jobs that often pop-up at our facilities.

7)Administrative Assistant
We are looking for an office manager at GFIM to do much of the correspondence, accounting, and fundraising that is involved in keeping the ministries going.

Short and Long-term serving with Grace Foundation:

For those eyeing to serve with us on a short-term basis, the terms are entirely based on your time, availability and affordability to go to the place you would felt the Lord wants you serve in one of our mission bases within Nigeria or outside (list of places below). The other requirement we do not overlook for all including those that want to come on short term basis, is that one should be born again.

The first step in joining our organization as a long-term staff is to go through the twelve month missionary training at our School of Cross-Cultural Missions. This is a great way for us to get to know you and your gifts and for you to get to know us. It is a type of candidacy and screening program to see if you would work well with our team and a chance for you to be empowered for ministry, get to know our staff, our values, our vision, and our ministry philosophy.

After completion of the school, if we both feel good about the relationship we will look for a place where you can work using your gifting, personality, and passion. We have many staff opportunities with GF at our various fields like Chad, Cameroon, Nigeria, Benin, Niger Republic and proposed field in North Africa and the Middle East. We also have good relationships with other missions organizations and love sending the people that we have trained to go and bless them if GF isn't the right fit for you.

Email us now: or sms us on +2348173322222 to register your interest.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Women that Christian Men Must Never Consider for Marriage

The last edition of God's Heartbeat contained the first part of this article. In it, J. Lee Grady, former Editor of Charisma and the Director of the Mordecai Project listed the guidelines for women trusting God for husband. This one contain guidelines for men who are looking for wives. 
1. The unbeliever. In last week’s column, I reminded women that the Bible is absolutely clear on this point: Christians should not marry unbelievers. Second Corinthians 6:14 says, “Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship h
as light with darkness?” (NASB). Apart from your decision to follow Christ, marriage is the single most important decision you will ever make. Don’t blow it by ignoring the obvious. You need a wife who loves Jesus more than she loves you. Put spiritual maturity at the top of your list of qualities you want in a wife.
2. The material girl. One young friend of mine was engaged to a girl from a rich family. He saved up money for months to buy a ring, but when he proposed she told him he needed to go back to the jewelry store to buy a bigger diamond. She pushed her fiance to go into debt for a ring that fit her expectations. She wanted a Tiffany’s lifestyle on his Wal-Mart budget. I warned my friend that he was stepping into serious trouble. Unless you want to live in debt for the rest of your life, do not marry a girl who has dollar signs in her eyes and eight credit cards in her Gucci purse.
3. The diva. Some macho guys like to throw their weight around and pretend they are superior to women. Divas are the female version of this nightmare. They think the world revolves around them, and they don’t think twice about hurting somebody else to prove their point. Their words are harsh and their finger-snapping demands are unreasonable. Some of these women might end up in leadership positions at church, but don’t be fooled by their super-spiritual talk. Real leaders are humble. If you don’t see Christlike humility in the woman you are dating, back away from her and keep looking.
4. The Delilah. Remember Samson? He was anointed by God with superhuman strength, but he lost his power when a seductive woman figured out his secret and gave her man the world’s most famous haircut. Like Delilah, a woman who hasn’t yielded her sexuality to God will blind you with her charms, break your heart and snip your anointing off. If the “Christian” woman you met at church dresses provocatively, flirts with other guys, posts sexually inappropriate comments on Facebook or tells you she’s OK with sex before marriage, get out of that relationship before she traps you.
5. The contentious woman. A young man told me recently that he dated a girl who had serious resentment in her heart because of past hurts. “Before I would propose, I told my fiancee she had to deal with this,” he explained. “It would have been a deal-breaker, but there was a powerful breakthrough and now we are engaged.” This guy realized that unresolved bitterness can ruin a marriage. Proverbs 21:9 says, “It is better to live in a corner of a roof than in a house shared with a contentious woman.” If the woman you are dating is seething with anger and unforgiveness, your life together will be ruined by arguing, door-slamming and endless drama. Insist that she get prayer and counseling.
6. The controller. Marriage is a 50/50 partnership, and the only way it works is when both husband and wife practice mutual submission according to Ephesians 5:21. Just as some guys think they can run a marriage like a dictatorship, some women try to manipulate decisions to get their way. This is why premarital counseling is so important! You don’t want to wait until you’ve been married for two weeks to find out that your wife doesn’t trust you and wants to call all the shots.
7. The mama’s girl. It’s normal for a new wife to call her mom regularly for advice and support. It is not normal for her to talk to her mother five times a day about every detail of her marriage, including her sex life. That’s weird. Yet I have counseled guys whose wives allowed their mothers (or fathers) total control of their marriages. Genesis 2:24 says a man is to leave his parents and cleave to his wife. Parents should stay in the background of their children’s marriages. If your girlfriend hasn’t cut the apron strings, proceed with caution.
8. The addict. So many people in the church today have not been properly discipled. Many still struggle with various types of addictions—to alcohol, illegal drugs, prescription medicines or pornography—either because we don’t confront these sins from the pulpit or we don’t offer enough compassionate support to strugglers. Jesus can completely set a person free from these habits, but you don’t want to wait until you’re married to find out your wife isn’t sober. You may still be called to be married, but it is not wise to tie the knot until your girlfriend faces her issues head-on.
Your best rule to follow in choosing a wife is found in Proverbs 31:30: “Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.” Look past the outward qualities that the world says are important, and look at the heart.
To get the other side of this story, read "10 Men Christian Women Should Never Marry."

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Five Biblical Lessons Christians Must Learn from Boko Haram for Missions Advancement

No matter how bad a person or group is, there are certain good things to
Boko Haram Leaders
learn from
 and possibly imitate in that person. Having lived and still doing ministries in the Northern part of Nigeria for more than 25years, I have first hand understanding of how the Muslims and especially the Boko Haram operates and have drawn out five Biblical character traits which I recommend as lessons to be adopted by Christians and guarantees that they will accelerate the speed of the spread of the gospel especially in the dark places of the earth.

1.  Readiness to Die -  The average Boko Haram member is ready to die for his/her course. We see both the young and old availing themselves as suicide bombers from time to time. Even though the course for which they avail themselves are Devilish, the truth remains that their height of commitment remains unquestionable. As they die and sometimes are killed, one assumes that their number will reduce but instead, their number multiplies. Jesus in John 12:24-25 taught the church: 'I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.'  How many Christian today are committed to the Lord to that point. Missions especially to the darkest jungle is costly. Sometimes it might cost us our lives.

2. Enduring Hardship -  Beside death, the average sincere Boko Haram will tell you that pursuing their course is not comfortable. You hear they running from jungle to jungle. Now their headquarters is located in a forest - Sambisa Forest. Yet, they neither complain nor grumble. I really wonder how many churches will be willing to go to remote places today not to talk of situating their headquarters strategically in the jungle. Apostle Paul taught us in  2 Tim 2:3-5 to : Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.  No one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs — he wants to please his commanding officer. Enduring hardship is not a curse but a price every true Christians must be willing to pay to advance His kingdom. Taking the final frontier especially the chronic unreached jungle can never be done without enduring hardship.

3. Funding the Course they believe in.  Finances have consistently and undeniably remain one of the cruel challenge of the end-time harvest. Fund is needed for every facet of the missionary enterprise - from missionary training to deployment. The missionary families will need to eat, clothed, go to school, etc. The converts have to be catered for. Church, schools, hospitals, etc. have to be built. Sadly, even though the church has the money, missions is considered a waste so the budget is either low or non-existent. Yet the Bible says, No soldier goes to the battle front at its own expense. The early missionaries were well funded by their sending churches but the stories of missionaries of our time are full of woes. It is not surprising that fewer and fewer missionaries are responding to missionary call today.  

On the contrary, we see the Boko Haram who are seriously funded and we complain. The people are funding what they believe in. Some are not footsoldiers but they contribute immensely to get the footsoldiers going. A Muslim Politician is first and foremost a Muslim. His/Her finances cannot be divorced from his religion. He/She considers his position in the society as God-given and must be used to promote his religion. That is why a Governor in one of the North Eastern States could donate brand new hilux to the Boko Haram and a Governor of one of the financial institution publicly voted fund for his state and it was alleged that he used his position to pave way for free flow of resources into the account of Boko Haram. Nine Army Generals are still say to be court-martialed for a similar 'offence'. Watching the Boko Haram activities on Youtube, you will see the kinds of sophisticated weapons, vehicles, communication gadgets, etc. There is no doubt that they are highly funded.  The BBC once reported that they recruits from Niger Republic with N350,000-N400,000. That is no small money. How much do we support our missionaries with.

 For most Christians, reverse is the case. They will tell you point blank that it is not Christianity that placed him where he/she is. When shall the church release the fund God has provided for the most important work of enthroning Jesus as Lord over the nations. The likes of Apostle Paul is rare today. It was he who said in  2 Cor 12:15: 'So I will very gladly spend for you everything I have and expend myself as well.'  The day all true Christian will make such resolution and act on it, the world will be reached.
Boko Haram Suspects

4. Visionary - The average Boko Haram member is very ambitious. North East of Nigeria is just the starting point. They want to overrun Nigeria. They want to take over Aso Rock, the Nigeria's seat of power. They want to take over the region and the whole world. They are working at it.    Even though, their activities is Devilish, there is nothing wrong with ambition. It was John Knox who said, 'give me Scotland or else I die'. Apostle Paul taught us to be visionary in Romans 15:20-21: It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else's foundation. It is really sad that many Christians today live aimless lives.

5. Eternity in View -  Finally, the average Boko Haram member live life with the reward in the world to come in view. They were promised scores of virgin. They know if they die in the course of Jihad, it is a very speedy way of accessing the virgins. Sadly, many in the church today live without eternity in view.  If we do live with eternity in view, we will be more committed to missionary work than we are. Jesus said, He must do the work now that is day because the night comes when He will not work anymore. Let us learn from the heathen and approach this work with urgency.   Ours may not be virgin, but there is so much to heaven that time will not permit me to stress on here. "Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. (Rev 22:12-13)