Sunday, December 30, 2012

Venturing into Closed Nations ~ Andrew Abah

In my search for open door into the closed nations of the Middle East, I jumped at an invitation to Bahrain for a consultation that was bringing together God's choicest servants in Arabian Peninsula. They were to meet to share strategies on how best they could accelerate the advancement of the kingdom of God in the area. Little then did I know what was awaiting me there. The period unfortunately coincided with when some missionaries from South Korea were arrested by the Taliban's in Afghanistan. Some were killed and others detained.

As soon as I stepped into Bahrain's capital, the eagled eye security men spotted me. I was picked and locked up. I was thoroughly interrogated, denied food, water and detained for close to 48 hours. I did all I could not to release information that will establish my link with the Believers in the country as that will be detrimental to their work. In my solitary confinement, I prayed and trusted God that I will be released. I was eventually deported with full security guards out of the country. Even though I was not able to accomplish the purpose of my missionary trip to the country, I was glad that I was not executed like our other colleagues at Afghanistan. It marked the beginning of my journey to the closed nations.

Seven years after that first unsuccessful attempt, God has guided and guarded me through several closed nations and brought me in close contact with many more of his choicest heroes and heroines in these places whose testimonies I will carefully share in this edition. God is doing so much behind the curtain that the church needs to know and be thankful for.  Also, there are challenges confronting many of the missionaries working undercover in these areas we need to be aware of. We need to join them in shedding tears and possibly go on our kneels to help wipe away some of the tears as we also join in enjoying the thrills of the harvest. The Psalmist rightly captured it in Psalm 126:5-6 when he wrote 'Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. 6 He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him.'

Stealing Became Productive in South East Asia
Just few weeks ago, we had a meeting with 230 mission leaders from across the globe in one of the Asian countries. One of the major highlight of the meeting was report of what God is doing in some of the closed nations. One of the foot soldiers for Christ from the South East Asia thrilled us as he reported the story of a young man who broke into a church in one of the closed country among one of the chronic unreached people groups where preaching of the gospel is highly restricted. One of the items he stole from the church was a Bible. While reading through the stolen Bible, he was arrested by the God of the Bible as he came under conviction, gave his life to Christ without anybody preaching to him. He has been sharing the testimony of his salvation over and over and as at the time of the report, no fewer than 800 persons in that region have been led to Christ. This former thief has also planted many underground churches and currently serves as one of the leaders of the underground church movement net work. God is awesome!

A New Revolution in IranThe country of Iran witnessed the Iranian revolution in 1979. There seems to be a new revolution that will soon dwarfed the one led by Ayatollah Khomeini. The ongoing revolution is spiritually. The spirit of God is quietly sweeping across the country bringing the souls of the Iranians to himself. We constantly receive news of the awesome things God is doing and we are grateful to Him.  At the time of the Islamic Revolution in 1979 at Iran, there were only about 500 known Muslim converts in the country, according to Operation World. By 2000, there were a reported 220,000 believers, including Muslim converts. Even children of government ministers and mullahs have been converting to Christ.  In 2011, it was reported that Iran and Afghanistan have the fastest growing population in the world. In Iran, the Evangelical population is growing annually at 19.6 %. In Afghanistan, the rate is 16.7%.

God's Work Cannot be Stopped Despite Persecution
Just recently, we received report of a man who came to Christ through reading the New Testament Bible. Before coming to faith, he never knew what love was neither does he loves from his heart. He met a friend who gave him a New Testament Bible and told him he wanted the God in the book and wanted to test His love. The God of the book did not let him down. He testified of how love came into his heart and how full of love the God is. That was how he became a Christian. His fiancé challenged him to choose between the God of the book and her. He decided to choose the God of the book. Surprised by the young convert choice and changed way of life, the fiancée also decided to test the God and see what He is like. She too became a Christian.

Two years later, the Pastor of the young believer left. He and one other person were appointed to take over the church. The church saw its membership grew to 80 persons and three other fellowships were planted. His ministry attracted the attention of the government. He and his fiancée were arrested. They were tortured and threatened with execution if they refuse to reject their faith in Christ Jesus. Both of them testified: 'they tried taking Jesus out of our lives but what they have done strengthened our faith'.

Many like these young men are languishing in jail today but instead of discouraging non believers, many more are surrendering their lives to Christ. A young lady who was locked up for eight days in a public cell testified “to me, the impact of persecution is that the church grow, it is hard for believers but when Christians face persecution, it gives believers the opportunity to explain the reason for their hope to Iranians already thirsty for spiritual truth”.

No Nation is Closed to Dream, Satellite and Internet No Matter the Censorship
A Muslim woman followed her Christian daughter to the church for the first time. She confronted the pastor with her dream “Jesus was standing on a large square stone, proclaiming, the stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone”. The Pastor turned to 1 Peter 2:7 and showed her the exact words from the Bible and then explained to her what it meant. The woman was astonished, got her own copy of the New Testament and gave her life to Christ. She has been studying the scripture and growing steadily in the faith. This also represent stories of hundred of supernatural encounters across several closed nations of the world.
Many others in Saudi Arabia have embraced Christ as a result of gospel massages through the internet and some through satellites televisions.

One tool that has been very central to all the encounters, whether through dream, internet, satellite TV, etc... is the Bible. The need for more of it cannot be overemphasised. A pregnant woman on bed rest was given a Bible. She read it and came to faith. She delivered a baby boy and dedicates him to Jesus of the Bible. A police officer listened to the gospel from an arrested Christian and the next thing was to ask for a New Testament.

Hunger for His Word
A woman was given a New Testament and she was so excited. She testified that she recently became a Christian. A brother who was so full of joy of how Jesus visited him requested for 100 copies of the Bible to give to his friends. A lame man was given a New Testament at the motor park. He  testified that fourty days earlier, he had accepted Christ after watching a gospel message on a satellite TV. A book seller visited an underground church in the Middle East for a box of New Testament. He testified that many of his customers desperately needed it.

While in the Arabian Peninsula in November 2012, I had the privilege of meeting with core mission leaders again. Some of the encouraging reports presented include the good work going on in the United Arab Emirate on university campuses. The seed been sown into the life of the youths today will upturn every other power that oppose the gospel. It is encouraging to also note that, an indigenous church has been born in the country. Our prayer is that the converts will continue to wax stronger and that God will give them wisdom to share their faith. The traditional belief is that in view of the material advancement of the country, the indigenous people are well to do and as such reaching them through holistic mission is untenable. That is not entirely true.
For example, the Balochi people group are downtrodden and forgotten. They are a tribal society and an ethnic group who are native to the Balochistan region in the Indian subcontinent and southeast corner of the Iranian plateau in Southwest Asia. They mainly speak Balochi, which is a branch of the Iranian languages, and more specifically of the Northwestern Iranian languages, that is Kurdish and other Iranic languages of the region. They inhabit mountainous terrains and deserts, and maintain a very distinct cultural identity. The Baloch-speaking population worldwide is estimated to be in the range of 10 to 15 million. However, the exact number of Baloch and those who are or claim to be of Baloch ancestry is difficult to determine. They are over 500,000 in number resident both Oman and UAE. They don't have international passport, visa nor resident permit. As a result, their children cannot be registered in school. Yet they have to be taught. Volunteers are needed to work among this people, teach their children outside the formal school setting and minister the love of Jesus to them. Women volunteers are needed to establish social contact with their wives and direct them to the finished work of Calvary.

Crucial Need for the Gospel in the Arabian Peninsular
 At Oman, there are only 10 known indigenous believers. Their conversions are largely the work of the Holy Spirit. In one of the cities, Jesus appeared to a man in a dream and told him, He love him and will help him solve his problems. At Muscat, a Christian lady was working in the hospital with a Muslim lady from the area. The Muslim lady was really touched by quality of Christian life of the South African lady and also surrendered her life to Christ.

After a while, the sister of the Muslim convert fell sick. She prayed for her but unfortunately, the girl died. Disappointed, she left the faith.  Pray that she will be restored to faith. Another testimony worth citing is that of a Christian teacher who visited a woman with stroke from neck to the leg. This quiet and simple lady prayed for the woman and God breathed on her prayers. The woman was healed. The Swahili speaking Omanis are open to the Swahili speaking East African nations. Our prayer is that God will usher in more labourers from there to Oman.

At another part of Oman, a missionary spent lot of his time in a coffee shop with the locals. After establishing social contact, he gave an MP3 portion of the Bible to one of them. The man was so excited at the gift that he testified how he had longed to have a Bible for ten years. He later told the missionary that he wanted to have the Jesus that the missionary had. The situation is worse at Qatar where there are only three known indigenous believer in the entire country. Though there are pockets of churches in the country but they are servicing settlers. A senior colleague called them 'flower pot' churches. Our prayer is that God will bring strong revival in these Qatar and all the closed nations of our time.

In Saudi, a Christian sister had her tongue cut off. She still held to Jesus and was later killed but that still did not stop the other believers. The underground church is waxing stronger and stronger by the day. Another Christian girl who could not hide her faith had to escape to Lebanon. She was trailed to Lebanon and escaped to Turkey. God is at work in this Muslim nation. There are many secret Disciples of Christ in Saudi Arabia today more than many of the Arabian Peninsula nations put together. Our prayer is that their faith will be increasingly contagious to the extent that those coming to the nation on pilgrimage will contact Jesus.

What Can We Do?
 God's word does not exempt the closed nations from the Great Commission. For our obedience to be completed, we must take the gospel to the darkest part of the earth. For us not to be labelled cowards, we must penetrate the hardest part of the world. To usher back the King of kings, the gospel of the kingdom must be preached in the entire world for a witness. We must start with determination to go. We must put action to it. The first action step is prayer. We can pray for the hardest nation from any part of the world. The God who enabled the Israelites to bring down the wall of Jericho will in response to our prayer give us the hardest heathens. His words: 'Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession'. (Ps 2:8). It sound simple but we must remember that the most precious thing in this which is the air we breathe is not just cheap but free. While on our kneels, He will give us directions and strategies. For Jericho, it was that cheap and unappealing to common sense: 'Now Jericho was straitly shut up because of the children of Israel: none went out, and none came in. 2 And the Lord said unto Joshua, See, I have given into thine hand Jericho, and the king thereof, and the mighty men of valour. 3 And ye shall compass the city, all ye men of war, and go round about the city once. Thus shalt thou do six days.4 And seven priests shall bear before the ark seven trumpets of rams' horns: and the seventh day ye shall compass the city seven times, and the priests shall blow with the trumpets.' (Josh 6:1-4).

There are many creative ways of penetrating the closed nations today. Somebody once insisted that there is actually no closed nation today any more but many believers hearts are closed to the great commission. The church is no longer passionate about lost souls. If we are passionate about anything, nothing can really stop us from getting it. As I travel round the world, I come across people who break all kinds of barriers just to get money. If the same passion with which men pursue money is used to obey the Great Commission, the job would have been done. We need to get out of our comfort zone. Let us visualise the dying world in Yemen. Those perishing daily in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait and all over the 10/40 window. If men can go that far for money, we can go wherever the marching order leads to snatch souls from the devil.

Paradigm Shift Needed
The traditional method we are use to will not suffice at this end times. We must change our paradigm. Most of those labouring today in darkest jungle of the closed nations did not get there with their church titles. Most of them have to go under cover. They are business men and women. Some took up job in those nations not because of the money involve but to secure access to closed nations. While some are blessed to get jobs befitting their qualifications, others have to accept whatever job that comes their way so they can be properly positioned to reach out to those who so highly needed the gospel in the dark nations. A testimony was told of a man with a doctorate degree. He had passion for the people of Yemen. He sought for means to go there and share the love of Jesus and the only door open was to be a domestic servant to one of the Sheiks. He accepted the offer and relocated to Yemen. Faithfully with his doctorate degree, he served as domestic servant and quietly he laboured as a missionary until the Sheik under whom he served became sick and the doctors and Muslim clerics could not help him. While on his dying bed, he beckoned on the servant to pray for him. The servant cautioned that he will pray in the name of Jesus whom he served.  He was given go ahead. He prayed for the Sheik in the name of Jesus and he got healed. Through the help of the Sheik, he got a lecturing job in the university. In Saudi Arabia, we have a young man from Philippine with a Master Degree serving as security man just to access the country to share the love of Jesus.  We have many missionaries doing menial job across the Middle East today so they can be opportune to serve the Lord among the people.

For me, this is a worthy price to pay for the advancement of the gospel. The Son of God left heaven and was born by a woman in the manger and brought up by a carpenter father. If Jesus did that, we can do much more for the one who paid the supreme price for us. Let us change our paradigm and get the job done. Let us remove our title, collar and priestly garment, incarnate and get the people saved. Their souls are too precious to be ignored!

Your Money and the Closed Nations
I attended a group discussion at the United Arab Emirate (UAE) few weeks ago where we were robbing minds on our different strategies. An elderly lady from the United State of America joined the group much later and interrupted our discussion. She introduced herself as a donor and had come to ask if there are missionaries needing financial support. If I were allowed to respond, I would have shouted a big YES! But the group leader said NO! I looked at the face of the others waiting for them to object but instead, they substantiated the 'NO' answer that was given. I was an odd man in the group. All of them were not just working as missionaries but are working under cover. They all have registered companies that are bringing in money. Without the company in the first place, they would not have been issued visas and resident permit.

That still does not mean that the donor ministry is not relevant in the closed nations. Most individual missionaries may not require financial support because they already have a regular flow of income for personal from their businesses but missions is not just about the individual. For example, we have talked so much about the power of the Bible in these nations and how many are severely hungry for it. If you cannot go yourself as a missionary, you can help sponsor the publishing of more bibles. We need millions of Bibles in the different languages in Iraq for example.

Help Publish Kurdish Bible
It is difficult to buy and export the Kurdish Bible to Iraq but it is absolutely simple to publish them there. The only barrier is the money involve. The cost of producing each copy of the book of Psalm is approximately N320 ($2). The New Testament will cost N780 ($6) each and a full Bible will cost N1600 ($10). We encourage you to make input in the area of sponsoring the production of more Bibles. We will be glad to serve as bridge to get your support to the frontline missionaries helping to produce and distribute God's word in one of the most dangerous mission fields on earth. If you cannot go, you can send his word. It will amaze you what the word you send through the sponsorship of the production of His words can do.  Your support can also be helpful in the area of logistic. We have one of God's choicest servants going in to the Iraq field in February 2013.  In Rom 10:15, Apostle Paul was very blunt about this when he asked: 'And how can they preach unless they are sent?'  The Church has the responsibility to send.

In China, over 50 million Christians desperately need to have their own Bible this year. That's more than six times the population of New York City and almost half the population of Nigeria. Many rural Chinese believers can't get their hands on a Bible or even afford one. That's why Bibles for China is working to meet this need. Wendell Rovenstine, President of Bibles for China, says they have three Bible distribution trips planned for 2013. "On each one of these trips, we do anywhere from 10,000-15,000 Bibles per trip, but we believe between now and then, the Lord will provide us more funds." For every $5.00 donated to Bibles for China, an anonymous donor matches dollar-for-dollar. That puts two Bibles in the hands of Chinese Christians. "When someone in China gets a Bible, they do not just lay it down. They carry it with joy, and they share it with those they come in contact with.

Untapped Human Resources in Africa
 Africa remained one of the most blessed continents in the world. We are not only blessed with mineral resources but also with human resources. The church is also not left out of these blessing. Travelling across the chronic unreached nations of the world, I am amazed at the pronounced way the few Africans I met and those I have heard about have impacted the nations. When Ukraine was in utter darkness, a young convert from Nigeria, by name Sunday Adelaja went there to School. Today the history of that country cannot be written with devoting many of the chapters to him. While in Japan in 2010, I met some young men from Africa doing awesome work for God there. One of them was converted while he was in the prison there. Some of the incredible works going on in the Middle East and North Africa are pioneered by African Missionaries. Most of those I met personally have pleaded to remain anonymous because of the security implication on their work. There is no doubt that God is interested in Africa and Africans but what is on ground compare to the need for more labourers is a drop of water in the ocean.

From the Best to the Rest?
Once upon a time, the call was from the West to the rest of the world. The cry now is from the best to the rest and not necessarily from the West. I feel very strongly that we should be talking of the saved to the world. We are all stakeholders in world evangelisation be it Africa, Asia, Middle East, etc. We all have responsibility to reach the world. We all are responsible to obey the supreme command. Mongolia report is amazing. Not too long ago, it was one of the most chronic unreached people groups of the world. Today, they are among the leading missionary sender nation going by the ratio of the number of missionaries per the number of Christian/church.

To sum up, can we all get busy with the search for the lost coin? Can we all focus on the forgotten and closed nations of the world? Can we all get involve in hastening the return of the King of kings?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Pakistani Girl Accused of Qur'an Burning Could Face Death Penalty

An 11-year-old Christian Pakistani girl could face the death penalty under the country's notorious blasphemy laws, after she was accused by her neighbours of deliberately burning sacred Islamic texts.
A Christian neighborhood in Islamabad. Around 900 Christians
 living on the city's outskirts have been ordered to leave.
Photograph: Muhammed Muheisen/AP
Rifta Masih was arrested on Thursday, after complaints against her prompted angry demonstrations. Asif Ali Zardari, the president, has ordered the interior ministry to investigate the case.
As communal tensions continued to rise, about 900 Christians living on the outskirts of Islamabad have been ordered to leave a neighbourhood where they have lived for almost two decades.
On Sunday, houses on the backstreets of Mehrabadi, an area 20 minutes' drive from western embassies and government ministries, were locked with padlocks, their occupants having fled to already overcrowded Christian slums in and around the capital.
One of the senior members of the dominant Muslim community told the Christians to remove all their belongings from their houses by 1 September. "I don't think anyone will dare go back after this," said one Christian, Arif Masih. "The area is not safe for us now."
A few brave souls have stayed behind, but shopkeepers have refused to serve their Christian neighbours or supply them with water. Locals say only about 10% of families in the area are Christian, renting cramped houses from Muslim landlords. They tend to do dirty, menial jobs such as sewer maintenance.
Relations between the communities had been simmering for months after complaints were made about the noise coming from three churches in the area during religious services. Two of the landlords who owned the buildings had already ordered an end to worship and some services were forcibly broken up.
But there was no indication that all the Christians would be forced out so suddenly until Rifta was accused of the provocative act of burning the sacred words of Islam.
It sparked immediate demonstrations by crowds estimated at between 600 and 1,000 people, some of whom blocked the nearby Kashmir highway, the major road running west out of the capital.
The police, initially unwilling to take action, eventually charged the girl with blasphemy and took her into custody. The rest of the community, including her parents, fled.
As with many other aspects of the incident, there is disagreement about exactly what was burned. Some say it was a small pocket book of Qur'anic verses. Others claim it was pages of the Qur'an. Either it was a relatively small quantity of ash carried in an earthenware dish, or it was around half a kilogram of refuse that filled a small plastic shopping bag.
Hammad Malik, a 23-year-old with a shaven head and bushy beard who is deemed a "scoundrel" by the Christian community, said he saw Rifta walking out of the tiny, single-room dwelling where she lived with her parents and sister at some time after 6pm. He said it was pure chance that he noticed her bundle.
"I looked at it but did not know exactly what it was but I could see it had words written in Arabic," he said.
He concedes that no one actually saw her burning anything as the offence allegedly happened inside the house, and she was caught while finding somewhere to throw away the remains. However, the local mullah claims there was a witness: another young girl who caught her in the act and then ran to the mosque to raise the alarm.
One thing the Muslim community does agree on is that claims in the local media, sourced to the police, that the girl has Down's syndrome are false.
"She is a completely normal girl," said Kamran Khan, cousin of the Masih family's landlord. As the largely male and grownup crowd gathered outside the house, a girl who said she knew Rifta said she did behave oddly – she talked to herself and walked in a peculiar way.
The other point of general agreement is that "the law should be followed". Unfortunately, the law in question is Pakistan's blasphemy law, which has a proven track record of ensnaring people on the flimsiest of evidence and being cynically used to intimidate communities or settle quarrels over money and property.
Even though no one has yet been executed for blasphemy in Pakistan, long prison terms are common – one Christian couple was sentenced to 25 years in 2010 after being accused of touching the Qur'an with unwashed hands.
There have also been cases of people killed by lynch mobs demanding instant punishment. Daring to criticise the law is incredibly risky and few do it.
In 2011, Salman Taseer, the former governor of Punjab province, was gunned down by his own bodyguard after he spoke out against the case of Aasia Bibi, another Christian woman accused of blasphemy.
The Christian community of Mehrabadi says the whole thing is a plot. They too have conflicting accounts of what happened. In one version, according to priest Boota Masih, a Muslim neighbour asked the girl to throw out the ash into which the desecrated pages had been placed.
Either way, one hotly contested incident involving a very young girl looks set to change the complexion of the neighbourhood for ever.
"They have done this to provoke the Muslims, like they have with their noisy banging and singing from their churches," said a local mullah, who would not give his name. "We are not upset the Christians have left and we will be pleased if they don't come back."

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Slaughter of a Muslim Background Believer ~ Post Tunisia Revolution

We have believed that one of the results of the Arab spring revolution will be the softening of the land for the penetration of the gospel. It is far from it. The situation is rather getting tougher and tougher by the day. Here, Raymond Ibrahim reported a Liberal talk show host Tawfiq Okasha who recently appeared on "Egypt Today" airing a video of Muslims in Tunisia slicing a young man's head off for the crime of apostasy, in this case, the crime of converting to Christianity and refusing to renounce it. The video—be warned, it is immensely graphic—is at the bottom of this write-up (the actual execution appears from minute 1:13-4:00). For those who prefer not to view it, a summary follows:

A young man appears held down by masked men. His head is pulled back, with a knife to his throat. He does not struggle and appears resigned to his fate. Speaking in Arabic, the background speaker, or "narrator," chants a number of Muslim prayers and supplications, mostly condemning Christianity, which, because of the Trinity, is referred to as a polytheistic faith: "Let Allah be avenged on the polytheist apostate"; "Allah empower your religion, make it victorious against the polytheists"; "Allah, defeat the infidels at the hands of the Muslims"; "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger."

Then, to cries of "Allahu Akbar!"—or, "God is great!"—the man holding the knife to the apostate's throat begins to slice away, even as the victim appears calmly mouthing a prayer. It takes nearly two minutes of graphic knife-carving to sever the Christian's head, which is then held aloft to more Islamic cries and slogans of victory.

Visibly distraught, Tawfiq Okasha, the host, asked: "Is this Islam? Does Islam call for this? How is Islam related to this matter?...These are the images that are disseminated throughout the electronic media in Europe and America…. Can you imagine?" Then, in reference to Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis, whose political influence has grown tremendously, he asked, "How are such people supposed to govern?"

In fact, only the other day a top Egyptian Salafi leader openly stated that no Muslim has the right to apostatize, or leave Islam, based on the canonical hadiths, including Muhammad's command, "Whoever leaves his religion, kill him." Islam's most authoritative legal manuals make crystal clear that apostasy is a capital crime, punishable by death.

The first "righteous caliph," a paragon of Muslim piety and virtue, had tens of thousands of people slaughtered—including by burning, beheading, and crucifixion—simply because they tried to break away from Islam. According to the Encyclopaedia of Islam, the most authoritative reference work on Islam in the English language, "there is unanimity that the male apostate must be put to death."

Finally, a word on the "prayers" or supplications to Allah made by the Muslim executioners in the video: these are standard and formulaic. It is not just masked, anonymous butchers who supplicate Allah as they engage in acts of evil; rather, top-ranking Muslim leaders openly invoke such hate-filled prayers.

See here for examples of prominent Muslims supplicating Allah to strike infidels with cancer and disease "till they pray for death and do not receive it," and even formalized prayers in Mecca, blasted on megaphones as Muslims pilgrimage and circumambulate the Ka'ba, supplicating Allah to make the lives of Christians and Jews "hostage to misery; drape them with endless despair, unrelenting pain and unremitting ailment; fill their lives with sorrow and pain and end their lives in humiliation and oppression."

Monday, February 6, 2012

To the Ends of the Earth

The global scope of the Great commission cannot be overemphasised. Its strict obedience must be adhered to. The underlining purpose of God's release of Jesus to pay the price for the redemption of humanity was based on his love for the entire world: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life’’ John 3:16. No one is excluded from the God's salvation plan ~ young and old, male and females, literate or illiterate, civilised or primitive, far or near, etc. Anything less than the entire world is short of the price He paid for. This emphasis is contained in many passages of the scripture.

The post-resurrection command is: ''Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation'' (Mark 16:15)

The preaching of the gospel of the kingdom in ALL THE WORLD as key condition for the closure of the world deserves proper focussing by the church. '' And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come''. (Matthew 24:14)

When Jesus promised the church empowerment, He stressed that the purpose for it is to serve as His witness in Jerusalem….and to the ENDS of the Earth. Another version captures it as the UTTERMOST part of the EARTH. The New International Version (NIV) puts Acts 1:8 this way: ‘’But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." The King James Version: ''But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth''.

God has not revoked the Great Commission. Instead, the urgency for it is waxing stronger and stronger by the day as the world becomes increasingly uncomfortable and yearning for heaven as the last hope of humanity becomes unparallel.
Where is the end of the earth?
Defining Where the Earth Ends
In this edition we have outline few questions we will attempt to answer in our bid to bring to light this great mandate and the blueprint of engaging the ends of the earth. They are: Where does the earth really end? How far has the church gone with getting to this end of the earth with the Great Commission? What conscious effort can we put in place to globalize our efforts? What will it cost us to truly get to the ends of the world? What is the implication of our sluggishness to respond according to the laid down blueprint?

Mission researchers tells us that 2.83billion persons out of today’s 7billion persons are yet to be given fair opportunities to accept or reject the gospel. Some of them are accessible. Others are hard and resistant. None can be said to be entirely close especially in today’s world where technology has reduced the entire world to a global hamlet .For some, these ones are the final frontiers and where they live are the ends of the earth.

Mission strategists said the bulk of these persons are found in a location tagged 10/40 Window. The most notorious terrorist countries ~ North Korea, Pakistan, Sudan and Syria are located in this area. Many of the countries are steeped in idolatry, sorcery and occultism. The 10/40 Window is the rectangular area of North Africa, the Middle East and Asia approximately between 10 % north and 40 degrees north latitude. The 10/40 Window is often called "The Resistant Belt" and includes the majority of the world's Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists.

The original 10/40 Window included only countries with at least 50% of their land mass within 10 and 40 % north latitude. The revised 10/40 Window includes several additional countries, such as Indonesia, that are close to 10 or 40 degrees north latitude and have high concentrations of unreached peoples. An estimated 4.49 billion individuals residing in approximately 8,732 distinct people groups are in the revised 10/40 Window. The 10/40 Window is home to some of the largest unreached people groups in the world such as the Shaikh, Yadava, Turks, Moroccan Arabs, Pushtun, Jat and Burmese.

The 10/40 Window has several important considerations: first, the historical and Biblical significance; second, the least evangelized countries; third, the unreached people groups and cities; fourth, the dominance of three religious blocs; fifth, the preponderance of the poor; sixth, the strongholds of Satan within the 10/40

Of the 16,787 people groups by country, 6,947 are still considered unreached.

9,840 people groups by country are not considered unreached, totalling 3,991,150,000 individuals, or about 58% of the world's population.

Of the 16,787 total people groups, 6,947 are identified as unreached using Joshua Project criteria, totalling 2,833,526,000 individuals. Of these 6,947 groups, 5,885 are in 10/40 Window countries. That means 85% of all unreached people groups are in the 10/40 Window.

1,062 of the unreached groups are NOT in the 10/40 Window, totalling 84,014,000 individuals. These groups are relatively accessible to the Gospel.

Of the 6,947 Unreached people groups, about 3,552 (51%) are small groups under 10,000 in population (or population unknown) and all these groups total less than 8,000,000 individuals. Of the remaining 3,395 unreached groups, about 1,313 are under 50,000 in population. That leaves 2,082 Unreached groups 50,000 and over in population.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Missionaries Whose Lives Counts for Eternity: The Life of Dr. Oswald Smith

Steve Jobs died recently at 56. As probably all of you know, he was co-founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. He created the iPad, iPod, iPhone and other electronic devices that most of us carry around with us or have in our homes.He had known for years he was ill with a disease that would eventually take his life.

In an address in 2005 he said: “When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: ‘If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.’ It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.”

Paul’s reflections in Philippians 3:14-15 is worth citing: “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. All of us who are mature should take such a view of things.” Each of us will reach our last day. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not for many years, should the Lord tarry. But we should face each day:  “making the most of ever opportunity, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:16).

God has a task for each of us today. Around the world there are 4.4 billion people who still have not heard an adequate presentation of salvation. Billions more who maybe have heard the gospel need someone to share Christ with them in a personal way. We all have friends, neighbors, relatives who need the Lord. Maybe today someone is carrying a burden that we can lift or someone who needs our helping hands.

We all should press forward toward the heavenly goal, doing whatever we can to draw closer to the Lord in our walk with Him, and doing whatever He wants us to do for His Kingdom today. Jesus said: “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23). Each morning as we greet the sunrise let’s ask the Lord what He would have us do today.
In this edition, we present the stories of three missionaries, Clement Anegbe, Oswald J. Smith and Irene Onjefu who made indelible impact in the dark nations and their lives counts for eternity. We hope you will find them inspiring and you will be provoked to do more for God than you ever did.

Clement Anegbe
May 4, 2002 will continue  to be remembered in the history of missions in Africa and all those who knew and worked with Rev. Clement Anegbe. That was the day he took off for Bassam, Cote d’Ivoire for a mission consultation to deliberate on how to finish the unfinished task.  Little did he know that he had finished his own aspect of the task.  On his way to Bassam via Lagos, he boarded the ill-fated EAS airline, which crashed in Kano.

The news came as a shock to many of us who had last minute chat with Clement before he embarked on the journey.  Though, he preached prophetically announcing that there was a vacancy to be filled in his local assembly, little did any one know then that the vacancy was his office, which he would soon leave. Before his exit, we discussed extensively on the project at hand which we both co-ordinate. The MissionAfric journal which he served as the Managing Editor, the Agape Network which he served as the Chairman, Accountability & Disciplinary unit, his mission field at Zaranda Anseli where he wanted us to second to him an interim missionary, his work at the Evangelism and Mission Commission of AEA, his plan to finish the Jubilee Ministries office complex, etc.  Indeed, a giant vacuum has been created.  This is beyond a vacancy. 

Clement is a multi-dimensional minister of the gospel.  His selfless service and lifestyle will make it difficult to easily get a replacement for him.  He has affected so many lives in so many ways.  This was quite glaring in the wake keeping night and the funeral service, which was attended by hundreds of persons from different spectrum of ministries.  Most of them, including the bishops present, attested to how he raised and trained them in their spiritual infancy stage and stood with them until they became what they are today.  They referred to him as a father in the ministry.

For us in Grace Foundations, this temporary parting is quite shocking.  We are familiar with all the consoling theology of death.  We know that Clement has gone to a better place but it seems to be too soon.  It is physically painful and we cannot pretend about it.  God’s judgement is however not subject to debate.  He is always right.  There are many questions we cannot get answers to in this world.  When the trumpet sounds, we will understand it better by and by.  It will be pretence to say we can stop shedding tears so soon but we know that God took Clement away.  It is not the devil.  Not at all!  If God chose to save him in the crash, it would have been a light thing.  We have no grudge against God at all.  His decision is the best.  We thank Him for all that He has done.  After all, it is not how long a man lives that matters but how well.  Jesus lived for just over 30 years.  Clement  was over 40years.

One thing that has remained an encouragement and a challenge to us all was the last minute of Clement’s life on earth. One of the survivor of the air crash testified of how Clement removed his seat belt and announced to his fellow passengers that he prayed when the plane started misbehaving and God told him that they would not survive the crash. Instead of sitting down to think of his family and the various cares and challenges that would emanate from the crash, he rather preached a brief but very powerful message urging the people to get ready to meet their Maker.  After that, he gave them the opportunity to pray and as if he was not satisfied with the way they were praying, he led them to pray for salvation. Just after they said Amen, the plane crashed. What a glorious exit! He went to his maker with bundles of harvest in his hands. Most of those who died in the crash, whether Muslim or pagan are today in heaven courtesy Clement’s last minute ministry effort. To God be the glory.

Who exactly is this man called Rev. Clement Anegbe? Born on December 1st, in the year of our Lord, 1955,  Clement Anegbe hails from Iriukwe – Agenebode, Etsako Local Government Area in Edo State.  He was, however, born and brought up in Lagos, Nigeria. Clement attended the renown St. Finbarrs College, Akoka, Lagos between 1969 – 1973.  He was a beneficiary of Private Scholarship given by a prominent business tycoon, which he enjoyed all-through his studies at St. Finbarrs.  He graduated from there with a Division One at the West African School Certificate Examination in June 1973. He had a stint working with Union Bank as a Counter Clerk before proceeding to The Polytechnic in Ibadan.  He was a distinguished scholar, as he won many awards and his final year project was rated as the best in the department.

It was while at The Polytechnic he encountered the Lord Jesus Christ as Redeemer and Saviour, through a special revelation in December 1976.  Since after that experience and decision, he had consistently followed the Lord and was fully committed to the course of the Kingdom.After his graduation from The Polytechnic he was posted to Gombe (then a local Government in Bauchi State), for his National Youth Service.  He served with Nasara Motors – an automobile engineering company.  After the service year (NYSC), he secured an immediate employment with the Federal College of Education (Technical), Gombe as a lecturer in the Department of Metal Work and Technical Drawing.  Within a short time, he rose to become the Head of Department.

His sojourn at Gombe brought remarkable dynamism to the spiritual life of both the Campus Fellowship and the Christian Community.  In those days that Charismatic and Pentecostal manifestations were viewed with some suspicion, Clement and his little band of zealots were used as instruments by God to teach practical Christian living and uncompromising dedication to the Gospel. Clement got married to Julia I. Anegbe (Nee Imoesiri) on 28th November 1982.  With Julia, they laboured together to pioneer the Evangel Chapel, Gombe and Jubilee Family Church, Jos. God blessed their union with three children: Michael, David and Abigail.

Due to his dedication to duty, in the year 1985, Clement was awarded scholarship by the Federal Ministry of Education to do his Masters degree programme abroad.  That took him to Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, USA.  Because of his scholarly performance, he was able to complete the programme within a short time.  His passion for souls and desire to reach his father’s land with the gospel made him return home immediately, though he had the opportunity to stay back and pursue his studies to the doctorate level.

By the year 1992, divine leading made Clement to resign his work with the Federal College of Education (Technical) – FCE(T) , Gombe.  He left the Evangel Chapel work in able hands he had trained, and moved to Jos to pioneer the Jubilee Family Church and expand the scope of God’s mandate upon his life to take the gospel to the nations. His movement to Jos proved to be God ordained, as it opened up a lot of opportunities both nationally and internationally.  The task of spiritual leadership and mentoring started in earnest with frequent travels and preaching engagements coupled with pioneering of the Jubilee Family Church.  With aggression, he and Julia laboured fervently in the work of the Lord until Julia went home to be with the Lord on the 10th of June 1994.

Undaunted, Clement (God’s General) continued to press forward.  Due to his involvement in leadership training and discipleship, he was recommended to attend the Haggai Institute for Advanced Leadership Training in Singapore, in 1996. God favoured his servant by providing a help meet in the person of Sister Catherine Ameh-Anegbe (a professor of Science Education, University of Jos), in the year 1996 to continue the work of preaching, teaching the gospel and raising leaders for the work of the Lord, together.  Clement  was an indefatigable man of God, a man of many talents, a gifted and inspired teacher of the word of God.  He, not only distinguished himself in spiritual things, but also in the secular and academic world.  He won the Young Managers’ Award in 1987, organised by the Nigerian Institute of Management, under the auspices of First Bank Plc.

Testimonies and commendations abound to attest to the above fact; here are samples from Ball State University:
It is a pleasure to write a letter of recommendation for Mr. Clement Anegbe.  Mr. Anegbe has demonstrated a number of characteristics which label him as a leader and one who will continue to grow and develop as the challenges change…” 
Thelbert L. Dake,
Professor, Department of Educational Admin and Supervision
September 4, 1986.

I have found Mr. Anegbe to be one of the best students I have ever taught… a hard working individual…”
Dr.  William H. Middleton
Professor and Graduate
Advisor Dept. of Industry and Technology.

…My perception of him is that he is highly intelligent and able to communicate in highly effective manner… his classmates were very impressed with his insights and commentaries during the class.”
Richard  A. Brosio
Professor of Secondary and Foundations of Education.

Mr. Anegbe is bright, hardworking and eager to do the very best that he can on anything he undertakes… I have found him to be extremely adept and conscientious in carrying out his work assignments at the highest level of proficiency.
Dr. Robert C. South
Professor – College of Applied Sciences and Technology.

He was an uncompromising upright, ardent teacher of the undiluted word of God.  He was a mentor and role model to many young ministers and to many whom he came across in the course of ministry. Until his call to glory, he was also the Co-ordinator of the Council for Mission Training in Africa (COMITA), under the Association in Africa (AEA).  It was actually in pursuit of this missionary commission that he set out for a meeting in Abidjan en-route Lagos.  This made him take the EAS flight which crashed in Kano on May 4, 2002.  Thus,  Clement left this life to be with his Lord and Master, whom he loved so much and had given up everything for.

We certainly have missed a General, a Mentor, Coach, Teacher, Motivator, Educator, Erudite Scholar, and a resource person whose vacuum will take a long time to fill.
For Clement, to live is Christ and to die is gain.  We shall meet at the Master’s feet.
Adieu, God’s General
Good Night!

Oswald J. Smith

Oswald J. Smith is said to be one of the most versatile Christian leaders in the history of the Christian church. He was noted for doing so many different things well.  It all centered in Toronto, Ontario, where Smith laboured for God from 1915 to 1959. He raised some $14,000,000.00 for foreign missions, more than any other pastor known in history with half of this from his own church.

 Smith was the eldest of ten children of Benjamin and Alice Smith. He had five brothers and four sisters. His father was a telegraph operator for the Canadian Pacific Railway. Delicate in health most of his life, he was not expected to live to manhood.  At age 13, his Sunday school teacher said, "Any of you boys might be a minister." He thought in that direction from that time on. His conversion at age 16 was the result of the Torrey-Alexander evangelistic team. He had been reading about the Torrey crusade in Toronto which the newspapers were describing. The reports of 3,000 gathering only 90 miles away challenged him to take a trip to Toronto. Attending the Massey Hall services for a few days, he was saved at the seventh service - one for boys and young men only, held January 28, 1906.

Young Smith soon decided that Toronto was the place to get a job. For a while, he identified with a group of Christians called the Hornerites. Soon he spoke to a couple of youth groups in Mount Albert where his family had now moved, as well as speaking at the Beverly Street Baptist Church in Toronto. He began to attend Toronto Bible College evening school. This helped fire him up for mission work, and he applied to the Presbyterian Church for a mission field appointment. They turned him down. He then began to sell Bibles and was very successful in this venture. Then came another chance to preach - at the Severn Methodist Church - plus two more services in nearby circuit churches the same day. He then got a call from the Bible Society in Vancouver, so he was off on a train journey of six days to western Canada. In September of 1908, he began his work at Prince Rupert Island, working his way up the coast, selling Bibles and making contacts for the local pastors, making calls in remote lumber camps and homes. He soon ended up at Port Essington some 30 miles away. For the next few months, Smith sold Bibles and preached to the Indians.

He met a Methodist missionary, G.H. Raley, who wanted Smith as his associate to minister during the winter to the Indians at Hartley Bay. Smith got his supplies, which were $20 worth of food, a small cook stove, an axe, a hammer and nails, two quilts, a blanket, plus fifteen jars of fruit and jelly. Arriving at the village, he found it almost covered by deep snow and as bleak and barren as he had ever seen. Stoic Indians met him. That winter was the most difficult time of his life. Soaking clothes and nights of bitter cold followed as Smith fought with his stove in a desperate effort to keep the green wood burning and the small quarters warm. This expeience drove him closer to the Lord and also gave him an empathy with missionaries and their problems for years to come. He started a Sunday school, preached twice on Sundays and four times during the week, plus taught the Indian children at school. By April, 1909, he resumed his work selling Bibles, up and down the coast of British Columbia, plus preaching wherever he could.

Feeling the need for additional training, he went to the Manitoba College in Winnipeg in the fall of 1909. Returning home to Mount Albert for the Christmas holidays, his parents and friends heard him preach for the first time. This was quite a contrast to his previous holiday season, when he was with a few Indians in the wilds of British Columbia. Feeling a spiritual lack at the Manitoba school, he entered Toronto Bible College in the fall of 1910. By late November, Smith was chosen, along with five other students, to be one of the speakers at the Students' Public Meeting. His subject was "A Call to the Foreign Field," for his interest in missions was now beginning to grow. On December 8, 1910, he surrendered completely to God. His diary states:
 The great struggle is over, I surrendered completely to God. I now trust that He will send me out to the foreign field. I do not care if my life is hidden away, unknown by the civilized world, as long as it is known to Him. At age 21, in January of 1911, he decided to hold a revival in Toronto - his first extended campaign. He used the Missionary Tabernacle, prepared 3,000 posters, and prepared his messages. Five were saved, and on Friday night Jennie Tyrrell sang. Five years of courtship and engagement followed. Soon J. Wilbur Chapman and Charles Alexander held a large crusade in Massey Hall, where Smith served as an usher and then as a counselor. Then in mid-summer 1911, he took a position with the Pocket Testament League of Canada to become their first traveling secretary, which gave him exposure throughout various areas in Ontario.

 Then in November he became pastor of the Belwood (Ontario) Congregational Church. A second church at Garafraxa used his services simultaneously. Graduating from Toronto Bible College, he went off to Chicago in the fall of 1912 to begin further studies at McCormick Theological Seminary - a strong Presbyterian school in those days. In February of 1913, he assumed the pastorship of the Millard Avenue Presbyterian Church on Chicago's southwest side. He continued until May, then decided he would minister amongst the hills of Kentucky. He was assigned to a place called Cawood, a very small hamlet consisting of a combined store - post office and one house - as home base. Again, like British Columbia, it was a lonely ministry. Out of these experiences came some of his finest poems, which set the tone for many of his writings in later years. Towards the end of the summer, revival broke out at a place called Turtle Creek. His next year at McCormick Seminary (1913-14) saw him pastor the South Chicago Presbyterian Church also. His engagement to Miss Tyrrell was broken by mutual agreement in March, 1914.

He had begun to write verse in 1906 at age 17, and on September 5, 1914, he saw his first collection of hymns published. D.B. Towner had provided the music. Three days later, he wrote a well-known hymn, Deeper and Deeper. On April 29, 1915, he graduated from McCormick Theological Seminary, and on the following night, he was ordained in the church where he pastored. That day he spent in prayer, and he became convinced of two things - his work would be worldwide in coverage and Toronto would be his home base. He would leave Chicago. The congregation begged him to stay, but he felt impressed to take an associate pastor's position at the Dale Presbyterian Church in Toronto, where J.D. Morrow pastored.

 June 6, 1915, began a lifetime of ministry in Toronto. Smith served with vigor at this work, and was impressed with one Daisy Billings, who was the senior deaconness of the church. By the spring of 1916, he was physically exhausted and had to take a complete rest. He went to Clifton Springs, New York, for an extended vacation. On September 12, 1916, he married Daisy Billings in a ceremony at the church by their pastor J.D. Morrow. Some 2,000 attended. Dale Presbyterian Church became the center of evangelism. Smith was learning fast from Morrow and soon was doing considerable preaching there. Morrow decided to become a chaplain in 1916, and Smith was made the pastor of this, the second largest Presbyterian church in Canada. In September of 1917, a real revival came to the church, which prompted Smith to write "A Revival Hymn". Morrow returned only briefly, but with failing health, he moved on to California in 1921, where he later died.

 Smith's strong stand began to cause a concern amongst the liberal element, as has happened so often in history. Liberals were irritated by the revival meetings, the use of gospel hymns, the prayer meetings, the $600 raised for missions. The liberals succeeded in mounting so much pressure that, in October of 1918, Smith terminated his ministry. The Smiths' first son, Glen, was born June 22, 1917. A call was given to return to British Columbia under the Shantymen's Christian Association. Settling his family following their arrival on April 1, 1919, he began to preach to a needy and forgotten section of Canada's society. However, a vision of Toronto and its masses burned in his soul, so he returned later in the year and served in various Christian causes until it was God's time to open up the right doors. On February 4, 1920, his only daughter Hope was born. Smith spent part of this summer in Kentucky again.

 Smith, now 30 years of age, decided it was time for action. Renting the West End YMCA, he started his own services in October of 1920, calling the work the Gospel Tabernacle. Sixty-four people showed up in the 750-seat auditorium for the first service. Three months later this new work merged with the Parkdale Christian and Missionary Alliance Church, and Smith became the pastor of the new work in January of 1921. On June 1, 1921, their third child, Paul, was born. (Paul later would succeed his father as pastor of the famed People's Church.) A tent meeting to attract attention did just that when Smith had a "Bring Your Own Chair" shower on Sunday, July 3. The tent was filled with every kind of kitchen chair imaginable. A new church building was soon needed. For $40,000 they built an 80-by-130-foot auditorium seating 1,800. Paul Rader dedicated it on May 14, 1922, and the new work was called the Alliance Tabernacle.

He packed the auditorium by giving the people something they couldn't get any other place - variety. The best evangelists and singers in North America were constantly streaming across his platform. Establishing this kind of program made it easier for him to be gone weeks and months at a time later, because the people were used to different men filling the pulpit. He was now getting calls for many ministries elsewhere. The Alliance Tabernacle of New York called him to succeed A.B. Simpson, but he declined. One of the speakers at his church was William Fetler of the Russian Missionary Society, who had a burden for the Russian origin populace of the Baltic countries, who were ripe for the Gospel. Smith sailed on July 2, 1924, on his first of many trips outside the continent. Smith and Fetler had great meetings, with many of the auditoriums seating over 2,000 in such places as Latvia and Poland.

Back in Toronto with additional influence, the church grew until at times 1,000 would be turned away from a service. Smith pioneered soul-winning in Toronto. Gospel singing, intense evangelistic crusades, with a teaching ministry on Wednesday and Friday nights, continued to inspire the Christians throughout the area. Smith resigned in 1926 and did a year's worth of evangelistic efforts. In April, 1927, he accepted a call to the Gospel Tabernacle of Los Angeles, California. But Toronto continued to be in his heart. Even though he was drawing crowds of up to 2,200 and his church offered to build a 3,000-seat auditorium if he remained, he left in April, 1928, to go "back home."

Most people start at the bottom and work up, but not Smith. He rented Massey Hall and, on September 9, 1928, at this first service, he faced an audience of nearly 2,000 people. The Cosmopolitan Tabernacle was born, the crowds grew and so did the number of converts. On January 13, 1929, he was off to the Baltic countries for his second trip, now at the invitation of Paul Rader. He visited many countries this time. In Latvia over 2,000 were saved and one night a crowd of 1,300 sang his song Saved, which was the first time he had heard one of his songs in a foreign tongue.

He returned to Massey Hall, then on March 30, 1930, they moved to a permanent address - the empty 1,500-seat St. James Square Presbyterian Church on Gerrard Street East. It was now called the Toronto Gospel Tabernacle. He put the church on radio and kicked off the new work with a missionary convention. Soon it grew and he decided to move once again to the empty Central Methodist Church on July 1, 1934, and once again took on a new name - The Peoples Church, 100 Bloor Street East, a name that became famous from that time on.
 Smith was now pastoring the largest church in Canada, and was often quoted in the media. Music was at its best, the Back Home Hour broadcast followed the evening service, the missionary conventions, the evangelistic crusades all helped bring in the crowds. The annual missionary conference going often for a full month was to eventually get $300,000 annually in faith promise offerings - a technique Smith widely and successfully utilized. The convention was loaded with mottos and displays from various missionaries. A large thermometer told the congregation how they were doing toward their goal.

Evangelism was emphasized. Soon, nearly 500 were saved each year, besides those from the radio broadcast. Eldon B. Lehman was an early musical director and had a choir of 135 voices and an orchestra of 40 pieces. Sometimes the evening crowds would be higher than the morning. Curtailing newspaper advertising for several years did not hold the crowds back. They had a $40,000 pipe organ that took too much space, so they sold it and built a second gallery. A 1944 evangelism crusade was moved to Massey Hall, and eventually to Maple Leaf Gardens. Over 11,000 people attended two Sunday nights.

On January 1, 1959, Smith turned over the reins of pastoring to his son Paul, while still enjoying such titles as founder, missionary pastor, pastor emeritus. It was in 1963 that the church was sold for $650,000 and a new church was built in the suburbs of Willowdale, where he resided. The original investment in the former church was only $75,000, so that in essence Smith and his associates were given a brand new church worth $575,000 absolutely free. How can anyone else get something like this? Smith replied, "All you have to do is give $5,000,000.00 to foreign missions over a 25-year period and God will give you a $500,000.00 church."

 Smith's hymn writing had been an outlet for his feelings and emotions in hours of deepest depression and heartache. "Jesus Only" and "Christ Is Coming Back Again" were some of the early songs. One of his songs, "Saved", written in 1917, was the first of his hymns to gain universal attention. More than 1,200 hymn-poems followed, with musical settings by Ackley, Stebbins, Harkness, Towner, and other famed composers, with C.M. Alexander as publisher. After Towner and Alexander died there was a lull un til he met B.D. Ackley in 1930. Hymn after hymn, Smith wrote and sent to him. Ackley provided music that fit the words and they began to be published by the Rodeheaver-Hall-Mack Company. From 1931 to 1946, there were 73 hymns that the two worked on together and that were successfully published. They became favorites overnight, and people everywhere were singing them.
Smith brought well-known Christian songs to the public year after year: In 1931, "Joy in Serving Jesus"; 1932, "The Saviour Can Solve Every Problem"; 1933, "A Revival Hymn"; 1934, "The Glory of His Presence"; 1935, "Take Thou O Lord"; 1936, "His Love Is All My Plea"; 1937; "God Understands"; 1938, "The Song of the Soul Set Free"; 1939, "The Need of the World Is Jesus"; 1940, "Then Jesus Came"; 1941, "A Wedding Prayer"; 1942, "Surrender".
His 1,200 hymns and poems made him one of the most widely used song writers. A few of the stories behind the hymns: "The Glory of His Presence", written in 1934 in the middle of the night; "God Understands" came as a result of Smith's youngest sister, Ruth, and her husband, Cliff Bicker's, plans to come home from Peru on their first furlough from missionary work. Just before leaving, Bicker was killed in an automobile accident. Then "Jesus Came" was written in 1939 in Philadelphia. Homer Rodeheaver had asked for a song depicting the change in men when Jesus came. He soon had a new solo to sing. A.H. Ackley gave Smith the music for "The Song of the Soul Set Free" and soon had the words for this widely used choir number.

To sum it up, seems as though you are describing the work of several men: As a pastor, Smith had ministered in Toronto since 1915. His congregation numbered about 3,500. About 2,000 attended the services, often three times each Sunday. As an evangelist, he preached in the greatest churches in the world, and held some of the largest campaigns ever held in many places of the world.

As a missionary statesman, he led his church in a program that by the mid 1970s netted over $700,000.00 annually - the figure grew every year for foreign missions, more than any church on the face of the earth. This helped to support 350 missionaries from 35 faith missionary societies in 40 countries of the world. He stimulated this kind of program via the missionary convention route in scores of churches.

As an author, he published some 35 books which have sold over a million copies. The only other author to surpass this volume in the history of his publishing company - Marshall, Morgan and Scott of England is G. Campbell Morgan. His books, "The Passion for Souls" and "The Cry of the World", are the most challenging and practical books on missions ever written. Other titles are: "The Man God Blesses", "The Work God Blesses", "The Revival We Need", and scores more, published in 128 languages.

As an editor, he published a magazine, The People's Magazine, for 36 years, which enjoyed a worldwide circulation.

As a radio preacher, his church services were carried by as many as 42 stations at a time. In later years, he conducted "Radio Missionary Conventions" in major cities across the United States and Canada, challenging Christians and raising funds for the World Literature Crusade movement, of which he was honorary president.

As a world traveler, he toured 72 countries. His first major overseas tour was in 1924 when he visited nine countries in Europe. Tours after that included: 1929, England, France, Belgium, Monaco, Italy, Austria, Germany, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Spain, Poland, Switzerland; 1932, England, France, Spain, Egypt, Palestine, India, Ceylon, the Malay Peninsula, the Dutch East Indies, French Somaliland, and Ethiopia; 1936, England, France, Spain, Germany, Poland, Latvia, Sweden, Den- mark, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, Yu- goslavia, Hungary, Austria, Belgium, and Scotland; 1938, Ha- waii, Samoa, Fiji, Australia, the Solomon Islands, and New Zealand; 1941, Jamaica; 1946, England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales; 1948, Ireland, England, Switzerland, Holland, Belgium, France, Italy, Germany, Iceland, and back to Jamaica; 1949, Scotland, Ireland, England, and Iceland; 1950, England, Bel- gium, Norway, Scotland, Germany, and Denmark; 1955, Azores, Portugal, Senega, Liberia, the Gold Coast, Congo, Rhodesia, South Africa, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Egypt, Italy, France, England, Scotland, and Newfoundland. Over 7,000 were converted in South Africa. Another tour in 1957 to Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Equador, Colombia, and Panama, consisted of the largest united evangelistic campaigns in the history of South America, and saw some 4,500 conversions. Here the 67-year-old Oswald J. Smith preached to crowds averaging 15,000 nightly at the Luna Park indoor fight arena in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Three times over 20,000 attended. Three hundred churches participated and over 1,500 decisions were registered here.
Another tour took place in 1959, covering Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, England, Ireland, and Scotland. During this trip, he was received in Buckingham Palace. Then, later in the year, Smith went to Japan; to Hong Kong, preaching to 3,000 nightly; and to Hawaii.
In 1960, it was on to Alaska and then to Japan, where 1,000 decisions for Christ were made in the 2,200-seat Kyoritz Hall auditorium campaign in Tokyo. In 1961, Smith visited Hawaii, Fiji, and Australia, where over 1,000 young people volunteered for foreign service. Later in the year it was England, Germany, Italy, Kenya, Rhodesia, South Africa, and Sudan. In 1962, he visited Iceland, and in 1963, Ireland, England, and Wales.

Smith nearly died on three of his trips because of poor health, which as stated earlier plagued him all his life. Why such energy and talent given so unreservedly to Christ? Smith replied with a motto he originated that has become world-famous: "Why should anyone hear the Gospel twice before everyone has heard it once?"

 On November 1, 1972, his beloved Daisy went to heaven after 56 years of marriage. Smith had preached his first sermon in a small Methodist church in the village of Muskoka in 1908. Nearly three quarters of a century and some 12,000 sermons later, he preached his last sermon at the Peoples Church in December, 1981 - at the age of 92. Bedridden for the last months of his life, he died at the age of 96. His funeral was Thursday, January 30, 1986, at the Peoples Church in Toronto. It featured the singing of George Beverly Shea and the preaching of Billy Graham.

Some of Dr. Oswald J. Smith's favorite missionary mottoes allegedly originated by him were the following: "You must go or send a substitute." "If God wills the evangelization of the world, and you refuse to support missions, then you are opposed to the will of God." "Attempt great things for God, expect great things from God." "Why should anyone hear the Gospel twice before everyone has heard it once?" "Give according to your income lest God make your income according to your giving." "Now let me burn out for Christ." "The church which ceases to be evangelistic will soon cease to be evangelical." "This generation can only reach this generation." "The light that shines farthest shines brightest nearest home." "Not how much of my money will I give to God, but, how much of God's money will I keep for myself." "The supreme task of the Church is the evangelization of the world."

Irene Omakiche Onjefu
Training to Die. That is the title of one of the most powerful book on discipleship use in most School of Missions. The 160 page book, authored by Rev. Bayo Famonure is centred on John 12:24 which says “Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if die, it bringeth forth much fruit”.

Irene Omakiche Onjefu practically lived that scripture.  The journey started as far back as 1987 when the CAPRO team entered into the then idol-infested Amla village.  Some of the names that still ring bell in the village were Fred Muvukor and one Herbert.  They were in the land to introduce Jesus to the people.  Irene was one of the beneficiaries.  She bowed to the Lordship of Jesus and decided to give Him her all in all.

Some years after, the missionaries decided to relocate to Okpamaju.  Irene chose to serve God as a missionary and decided to follow them.  She later found herself in Kauna at the Discipleship Training School against all pressures from her people. The opposition was very stiff.  To them, it was suicidal for a sickler to volunteer to be a missionary but for Irene, even if it will require dying, it was still in order to die at her duty post.   After all, “except a corn of wheat fell into the ground and die, it abideth alone.”

She faced the challenge with bravery and boldness.  After her training programme at Kauna, she proceeded to Gana Ropp for the Capro School of Mission.  As at then, going through the training programme is like the head of camel going through the eye of a needle. Yet she scaled through and was posted to the Maguzawa people group in Katsina state. Her work among this people group was short-lived as the organisaton she worked with decided to terminate her appointment on the ground that she was a sickler. For months, she tried her hands on trading but was not fulfilled. Irene was convinced that the last breath of her life should be given to the Unreached people.  She walked into the Grace Foundations almost in tears pleading to be absorbed and posted out to continue with her calling.

After much prayers and deliberations, Irene was posted to the Kamberis, then in Borgu Local Government sharing boundary with Benin Republic. Since the past six years, she has laboured among the Dirawas and Lengelenges in addition to her work among the Kamberis.  While on routine visit to her last duty post in Babana-Samunaka, we were overwhelmed with joy as we saw a number of hitherto unreached people worshiping the Lord. They pleaded that Irene be left to remain with them and not transfer to another station. Less than two weeks after, the news of her death reached us. Her Maker took her home. “Training to die” indeed.  Irene has gone to be with the Lord and left us with the challenges of the unfinished task.  She knew she was a sickler.  She counted the cost but choose to die at her duty post. She became another Oswald J. Smith of our generation.  Oswald was a  sickler but chooses to loose his life so that he can save it. Her life reminds us of a University of Lagos graduate who came to Agape Missions to be trained for missions.  He was a cripple and at the same time blind yet felt that he too must be a missionary.  A cripple and a blind.  What a challenge!

With her transition to glory of Irene Omakiche Onjefu, the vacancies in the vineyard has increased.  Like in the days of Isaiah, God is asking, “who will I send and who will go for us”. If Irene, a sickler could go, You can’t afford to say you are not strong enough.  God will byepass your deficiencies like He helped Irene.  May God find you worthy to continue with the work she left behind.

For the seed of the life of Irene that has fallen to the ground and die, pray along with us that mighty harvest will be experienced among the Kamberis. ‘Training to Die’ indeed! For Irene, she has saved her life but for the rest of us on this side of eternity, we must remember Christ’s charge in Matthew 16:25 - For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.

Adieu Irene Omakiche Onjefu! We miss you.