Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Jos Genocide By Andrew Abah

While Jesus was responding to His disciples’ question on the signs of the end time, one of the hints He gave them was that they will be hated for His name’s sake. A All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name's sake. (Matt 24:8-9). Even before then, he had prepared them for this hatred as every book of the gospel stress so much on it.
For example, in Matthew 10:22 He said “ And you will be hated by all for My name's sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved”. In Luke 21:17-18, He said “And you will be hated by all for My name's sake. But not a hair of your head shall be lost” and in Mark 13:13 Jesus disclosed “ And you will be hated by all men for My name's sake. But he who endures to the end shall be saved”.
These passages became so real in the last few days as Christians’ homes were recently invaded, 40 churches were burnt down and over 500 persons were killed. The attackers were said to have started killing and burning churches at about 2am on the night of November 28, 2008. They claimed that they were protesting a just concluded Local Government election which result had not even been announced. Common sense bears witness that the Local Government election has nothing to do with killing innocent Christians who are not politicians and places of worship. It is HATRED for Christ followers and all for Christ name's sake.
With the help of GSM phones, news quickly filtered to us informing us of the outbreak of Jihad in some part of the city. I quickly sent SMS to as many loved ones to make sure they don't move out of their house without caution. As at that time, the murderer were already at the doorpost of one of our missionaries at about 7.30am. Their house was set ablaze and there was no sense in remaining indoor. Just as they stepped out of their room which was already been razed down, they entered into the hands of the murderers. As the Lord will have it, they released his wife and baby to go. He was abducted but before they could think of slaughtering him like hundreds of others, he took to his heel. They pursued him but they could not catch up with him. Unfortunately, he ran into the hands of other murderers. Again, God spared his life. He later ran into an uncompleted building and rested there. All through these period, we had lost touch with him. We only worked with the report his wife brought on how he was abducted. We mobilised the body of Christ across the country and beyond and brethren took time to fervently prayed for us. In the evening of the same day, he made it to our missions headquarters. We shed tears of thanksgiving.
We had to move him and all other headquarters staff and the kids from the Unreached Children Home (orphans and vulnerable kids) to my residence because it was relatively safer. The Jihad was not over. The Jihadist were marching to the direction of our headquarters which house our School of Cross-Cultural Missions classroom/hostel, offices, staff residence, etc. apparently to set the place ablaze. The natives engage them in fight and with the help of the military, the Jihadists were overpowered.

The Jos Genocide II By Andrew Abah

Oluwaleke Olalekan Akande : A Case Study of the Many Horrors
Several Nigeria Newspapers report on Oluwaleke Olalekan Akande bring tears to the eye. When the young boy of 28, was posted to Jos, the Plateau State capital in the North Central area of the country for the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) programme, he thought he was lucky. He had prayed not to be posted to the far northern states because of fears that violent ethnic or religious crises such areas were known for, might break out and he did not want to be caught in any of that.
 He must have sympathised with his colleagues at the Polytechnic Ibadan, who were posted to Sokoto, Borno, Kano and such states further north. To him, the posting to Plateau State was a prayer answered.  Since his arrival in Jos on August 26 as part of the Batch A, Stream Two of the 2008 programme, Oluwaleke Olalekan, fondly called Baba Eto' meaning an organizer, had not complained.
 He had adjusted well, enjoying his primary assignment and was always in regular touch with his parents, Mr. Adeagbo Akande and wife, Oluremi who live in Ibadan, Oyo State. But it turned out that the very Jos that Leke was thankful to have been posted to turn edout to be the soil that soaked his blood as he bled to death, having fallen to rampaging killers during the recent Jos mayhem in which hundreds of people were slaughtered.
His heartbroken mother, who had fondly called Leke, oko mi, meaning my husband, on Saturday, could not say much except to murmur in awe and disbelief asking: " How can a human being born of and suckled of a woman kill his fellow human being with whom he never ever disagreed in cold blood? Did the same God we worship create such people?"
His father said he and his late son "had such an understanding that it was like between husband and wife." He was also his father's favorite cook. To his siblings and members of the family, "Leke was the ultimate organizer and you could entrust anything to him and rest assured it would be done as you hoped. But now the organizer is gone forever so soon, long, long before his time," his brother,  Leke's death was still like a fairy tale. "What have Youth Corps members to do with Local Council elections? "Why would anybody break into their apartment and kill three of them and take his phone," asked a family member, Abimbola. Leke was one of the members of NYSC posted in August to serve in Jos. He was the toast of the family.  Leke was in the house of a family friend, Mr. Akinjogbin, whose son Ibukun and another, whom the rioters met in the compound, were also killed.  When they entered the compound, Leke was said to be making calls to a family member, telling him that the rioters were getting closer. He was still talking when he was attacked and murdered. Up till last Wednesday, whenever we called his number, a voice in Hausa would answer and quickly put it off. By Thursday, the line had been switched off.
The murder is terrible. The slaughter has brought pain, not only to the family but also to families of the victims. Hundreds of fathers, mothers, sons and daughters were slaughtered in that carnage.
According to President-General of the Yoruba Community Council in the state, Chief Toye Ogushuyi, the losses suffered by his people were heavy.  About 113 Yorubas, he said, lost their lives in the recent crisis. He stated this at a meeting between Governor Jonah Jang and community and religious leaders saying most of their corpses have been taken to their states for burial. Houses and businesses were destroyed and right now we are collating the losses of our people to be sent to the governors of the Yoruba states for possible assistance. An elderly man of 72 years had his house and business places burnt. 
With tears in their eyes, including the state Deputy Governor, Mrs. Pauline Tallen, Ogunshuyi narrated how his people were hacked down or burnt over a crisis they knew nothing about.
He said many of the victims were caught unawares because their assailants wore military uniforms. He said Yorubas were peace loving adding, “we have been carrying out legitimate businesses in Jos since 1891 and we built the first church in Jos but we have been living peacefully without fighting to rule Jos”. The Yoruba leader said those who unleashed the violence should be identified and punished to restore the confidence of people in government's ability to protect lives and property.
The Igbo also suffered serious losses in the crisis because many of their shops and businesses were targeted by the hoodlums during the riot. Apart from the timber shed in Katako which was completely razed, the second hand vehicle parts market at Farin Gada where they sold vehicle engines, spare parts and other things was attacked, torched and looted. Many of their shops in other places were also not spared
Today, Laranto Market is now reduced to rubbles, more like an open field, as it was razed down and levelled in what could be described as mutually assured destruction or what in Nigerian parlance is called 'do me, I do you'. It was learnt that victims of initial attacks fought back to ensure that they all suffered the pain. 
About 10,700 displaced persons have so far been identified by the Plateau government as a fall out of the politico-cum ethno religious crisis plaguing the state at the moment. These, according to the state government, are scattered all over the place, thereby creating serious problems bordering on their wellbeing and other health issues.
The state government, which disclosed that it is currently battling to cater for the displaced person scattered in different camps in Jos, appealed to the Federal Government and philanthropic individuals and organisations to assist the government in providing the necessary succour to the people in order not to allow epidemic situation in the state

The government admitted that out of the number, there are 7,650 Christian displaced persons while 2, 970 Muslims were presently in refuge camps in Jos.

The Church Reacts 
The Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) Plateau State chapter has said no fewer than 40 places of Christian worship were burnt down in the Jos crisis. The PFN, at a press conference in Jos, said this is in addition to the many number of Christians murdered in the various worship centers. State chairman of the PFN Rev Samuel Alaha, who addressed the conference, said the PFN is disappointed with the role played by the Federal Government and its agencies like the Nigerian Army, saying it is suspicious how some of the hoodlums got army and police uniforms.
“Can the presidency, the Chief of Army Staff and the Inspector General of Police explain to the whole world how items like uniform and ammunition got into the hands of the teenagers that were recruited to carry out such dastardly acts against fellow citizens?'', he asked.
The PFN observed that the military brought three armored tanks and stationed all three at the Jos Central Mosque including the camps where displaced persons are concentrated, when according to him, the Churches suffered more losses. He said there is equally segregation in the distribution of relief material provided by the people of goodwill to the affected families and individuals now taking refuge in over 20 camps at various locations in the state due to the crisis.
Reacting to the horrors, the Prelate, Methodist Church of Nigeria Rt. Rev. Ola Makinde decried the killing and called on the President to set up a panel to investigate the matter. Very upset, he called the crisis, "one too many". He condemned the way Christians are ill-treated in the North whenever there was a riot. " This is unacceptable. How many times will some set of people think they could commit crime and go free. It happened in Bauchi, Kano, and Kaduna. It happened in Jos sometime ago and now this.  At the least provocation, Christians and churches become targets". The Prelate called on government not to allow the culprits in the Jos crisis to escape being brought to book and punished.
The Primate of Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) Archbishop Peter Akinola, has urged government to fish out the perpetrators of the crisis that trailed Thursday's local government election in Plateau State. Scores of people had been killed since violence erupted in Jos even before the election results were announced.
Speaking at the Diocese of Abuja Carnival for Christ celebration, he accused government of ``playing the ostrich'', on the recurring sectarian crisis in the country.  ``We know these people who are bent on destroying the nation and for goodness sake they should be brought to justice,'' Akinola told journalists in Abuja. ``The problem in my opinion is that our government has never been able to bring to book the perpetrators of this evil. When it happened in Bauchi, we cried aloud, they said they would make arrests, they never did. When it happened in Kano, they never arrested anyone and when it happened in Zaria too, no-one was arrested. Even where they were arrests they were later released. 
 ``So if government has had the courage to bring justice to those who engage in the evil, it would have served as a deterrent to others. I call on this government to stop playing the ostrich and stop being hypocritical,'' he asserted. 
The Nigerian Baptist Convention (NBC) condemned the crisis, saying it should have been prevented to avoid the wanton destruction that followed its aftermath. Addressing newsmen in Kaduna, its National President, Rev Dr. Reuben Chuga, and General Secretary Rev (Dr) Solomon Ishola, decried the situation appealed for peace and restraint from all residents of Jos. The church outrightly condemned the killings by saying that there was no justification for certain elements in the state to resort to killing and burning of religious houses and property of innocent people who had nothing to do with the local government elections. "Based on the sensitive nature of Jos, in view of past crises, the government and security agencies should have pre-empted the crisis and made more adequate preparations to nip it in the bud before it degenerated to the present level.
While some Nigerians have demanded for investigation, others were of the opinion that an attempt to sweep the matter under carpet like previous ones may amount to setting the nation on a keg of gunpowder. A legal practitioner condemned the killings, describing such as "a barbaric act of the 21st Century. This may draw the nation backwards and cause distrust and hatred.  Imagine young vibrant men whose parents have invested a lot to train, only for some hoodlums to just kill without reason.”
At the Vatican, Catholic Pontiff, Pope Benedict XVI, prayed for the victims of the Jos mayhem. He urged the world to express horror and disapproval at the senseless violence. Executive Director of the Christian Foundation for Social Justice and Equity, (CFSJES), Mr. Joseph Sangosanya, described the situation as "genocide."
The CFSJES director said the state government mismanaged the whole situation because it allegedly ignored security reports about in-flow of people into Jos.  "The information system by all the government agencies was not properly managed. Late deployment of soldiers contributed to the mass killings, which we see as genocide and the process of the election itself, which was not credible, led to the mayhem.
"And we see the aggressors as the few individuals who want to perpetuate their expansionist tendencies and we ask that the government should immediately set up a judicial commission of inquiry to unravel the immediate and remote cause(s) of the carnage and those arrested should be charged to court immediately.

Security Situation
The Nigerian Army had taken over security in Jos. Chief of Army Staff, General Abdulrahman Dambazza, personally led fully armed troops to take over security in the Plataeu State capital. The police had earlier dispatched an Assistant Inspector General of Police, Mr. Richard Chime, to assist in quelling the riots, but when security reports became alarming, Dambazzau had to be moved to Jos.
In the days following these senseless killings, we have seen official and unofficial sympathisers resorting to familiar scripts. The President ordered the police and service chiefs to hotfoot it to Jos; political and religious leaders called for calm; and talks of panels and commissions of enquiries became rife. These actions and talks would have been comforting if they were products of a quest, by federal and state officials, to atone for the abysmal failure of leadership that caused the crisis to escalate in the first place. On the contrary, this isn't about penance; it is business as usual.
Some fellows have been commending President Umar Yar'Adua for 'bringing the situation under control'. Their motives are questionable. This government deserves no such pat on the back. It failed to respond to early warning signals, waited for four days before moving decisively. In India, where 178 lives were lost during the Mumbai terrorist attacks, a number of public officials have resigned and government has made profuse efforts to assuage public anger. In Nigeria, where the Jos fatalities exceeded those of Mumbai by hundreds, not a single resignation has been recorded.

Continuing Tension
Tension still continue to mount as the the Jos North Muslim community in Plateau State has alleged that 564 of its people were being detained illegally at the Jos Central Prison after their arrest in the wake of the sectarian crisis penultimate week.
The group in an open letter to the Comptroller General of Prisons in the state, signed by counsel to the community Barrister Lawal Ishaq, said, “We hereby write to complain about the illegal detention of our clients who were arrested by the police and other security operatives under the guise of participating in the recent Jos crisis.” It said the suspects were being detained at the Jos prison at the instance of the police without order of any court. The community said the action of the prison service amounts to the abuse of prison services rules and regulation.
Ishaq told newsmen that a suspect is only taken to prison on two conditions: “When the suspect is arraigned in a court and the court does not have the power or jurisdiction to hear the case; or where a suspect is being convicted by a competent court of law. But neither the first nor the second instances are applicable in this case.”
The Hausa Community in Jos, Plateau state has said it won't appear before a state instituted judicial panel of inquiry to look into the recent crisis because they have lost confidence in the state government. Rep Samaila Mohammed (ANPP, Plateau State) told newsmen that the state government is culpable in the crisis and constituting any panel of inquiry by the Governor Jonah David Jang is tantamount to him adjudicating in its own case.
“We don't have faith in the administration of Governor David Jonah Jang, his government is culpable, he is part of the problem, should the government decide to constitute a judicial panel of inquiry we would not appear before it, because doing so would mean Governor Jang is presiding over his own case. What we want is a judicial panel of inquiry instituted by the Federal government and not by the Plateau state government, if the Governor is thinking along that line; because the crisis is a premeditated plan to teach some people a lesson never to protest again”, he added.

Concerted Prayers Needed
We must continue to pray for absolute peace to return as no meaningful missionary work can be launched out from a base where war, pain and agony thrives. Beside, we have no option but to love the Muslim. We are enjoined to love our enemies and to do good to them that hates us. All those killed without Christ will go to hell. The devil is full of wrath and is responsible for sending humanity to untimely hell knowing that he has but a short time. (Rev. 12:12). We must bring back the King via the preaching of the gospel to all nations. Maranatha!


Hatred for Christians for Christ's name sake is not localised to Jos. It is a global phenomenon. In October 2008, Armed Terrorists in Mosul known in the Bible days as Nineveh located in Iraq displayed their madness and hatred for Christ. They walked the street asking people of their identification card. The religion of the owner is written on every ID card, either Muslim or Christian. When "Christian" is read by the terrorists, the owner of the card is sometimes murdered on the spot with a bullet through the head. No fewer than 40 persons were murdered.
A source said: "There used to be 200,000 Christians in Mosul , but now, there's about 90,000 left."  They could be leaving soon, too, unless something changes. Some claim this is genocide. Prime Minister Nouri Maliki has vowed to protect Christians in Mosul and sent 1,000 police to the region. Iraqi believers are text messaging, requesting urgent prayer. One person wrote, 'We left with only our souls.' It's really terrible. 
Another source revealed that some of the extremists that were in other parts of the country have moved north and come to Mosul where there has been a vibrant Christian community. One of the prayer requests received was for the terrorists, for the extremists, that they would have a 'Pauline experience'--that instead of being persecutors, they would become lovers of Jesus through what's happened. 
Earlier, a group of men fired rockets on the Chaldeans Church of the Holy Spirit and detonated an explosive device outside the church door. Other regions of Iraq are not spared. It was reported that several car bombs have killed more than 100 people and it was especially dangerous for Christians who are minority. Before the Mosul madness, there were estimated 600,000 to 800,000 Christians in Iraq but more than 250,000  Christians have fled to Syria since the Gulf war.
More than 100,000 Christians have fled from Iraq to countries like Syria, Jordan and Turkey since the start of the war in March of 2003. More than 250,000 Iraqi Christians have fled to Syria since the first Gulf War. Pray for Christians facing caught in the dilemma of whether to stay and risk the lives of their families or flee to another country away from their churches and friends. Pray for those who have experienced trauma and fled because of the violence, for those who want to leave but can't, and for those who have chosen to stay and be a light in the midst of the darkness.
The Orissa Challenge
At Orissa, India between September through November, no fewer than 60 Christians killed, more than 200 churches,  40 religious institutions were damaged in an attack against the Christians and 10,000 Christians were forced to flee their homes as violence spread.  It all started when a mob of raging, machete-wielding Hindu zealots appeared above the hills  and swarmed over a hamlet in Orissa. By dawn, Christian homes in the village were smoking heaps of burnt mud and concrete shells. Churches were razed, their wooden doors and windows stripped off.
"We could hear them come shouting 'Jai Shri Ram'," one of the victim simply known as Digal said, referring to the rallying cry of Hindus hailing their warrior-god. The mob poured kerosene on the thatched rooftops of the village homes, then threw matches. Church spires were hacked down.
The Hindu part of the village was untouched. For four days Digal and his stricken Christian neighbours hid in the teak forests, before being herded to a government-run relief camp. The violence replicated itself in village after village, as the rural Kandhamal district of Orissa convulsed from some of the worst anti-Christian attacks in India.
Christians responded with some -- not proportionate -- violence. Almost all the villages bore evidence of attacks on Christians. Relief shelters were packed with Christian refugees, most of them women and children as their men folk were too scared to emerge from forest hideouts. At one temporary camp in Raikia village, some 8,000 people crammed into two floors of a government office, sleeping on the bare floor and surviving on rice and lentils given twice a day.
"It was the hate campaigns of the Sangh Parivar which led to untold misery for Christians," said Sam Paul of the All-India Christian Council, referring to an apex body of Hindu radicals. There has not been a long tradition of rivalry between Hindus and Christians, who form less than three percent of officially secular India's 1.1-billion population.
On the contrary, the missionaries have a reputation of running some of the finest schools in India. Intolerance has risen, though, in the last two decades with a revival in Hindu nationalism in India, and a new agenda to fight "foreign faiths" said to be undermining Hinduism. With political power, Hindu nationalists in several states have made religious conversion either unlawful or extremely difficult. Orissa has seen some of the worst violence against Christians.
"There is an atmosphere of fear," said Krishan Kumar, the chief administrator of Kandhamal, a land dominated by "Adivasis" or traditionally animist forest-dwellers where Christian proselytisers arrived on horseback more than a century ago. The missionaries built schools and hospitals, and their work persuaded many Adivasis and ethnic Panas, who belong to a Hindu lower caste, to convert to Christianity.
The region turned into a hotbed of communal strife after hardline Hindu groups, who accuse Christian missionaries of converting people under duress or through inducements, arrived half a century ago to counter an expansionist evangelist drive.
The violence was largely a backlash against the murder of a Hindu proselytiser who ran a local campaign against Christian conversion. Maoist rebels said they had carried out the murder, but Hindus blamed Christians.
Pope Benedict has condemned the latest violence and the Italian government has told India it was "very worried and sensitive to" the attacks on Christians. The United Nations has warned India could face more religious violence as delays to bring justice and prosecute perpetrators of attacks on minorities were encouraging an atmosphere of impunity in the country.
In Orissa, international and local human rights groups say the state government was a "silent spectator" to the violence, and Christian villagers say police often failed to protect them.
"When the mob arrived it asked police to drop its guns to the ground," said Phillomina Digal, who lives by a police station. "The policemen were outnumbered and went into the police station. The mob set my house on fire, burnt our tractor and also another government vehicle. Then they all celebrated and left." Orissa's police say they swung into action as soon as the riots broke out, but could not reach many affected villages because rioters had blocked roads with tree trunks and boulders.
Experience of a GFA Missionary
I"On November 24 at 11 a.m., while I was going for outreach ministry in a village 20 kilometers (12 miles) from my home, a group of young people belonging to an extremist group stopped me. They asked me several questions, such as what was I doing and where was I going. Then they opened my bag and found Gospel literature and teaching CDs. 

"The extremists started to beat me. They took my bicycle, mobile phone and two thousand rupees (US$40). They forcefully took me on their bike to a remote village, where around 200 people had gathered, and they made me sit in the middle of the crowd. They asked me several questions and told me to read Hindu literature, leave the Christian faith and worship one of their gods. I said "No," so they started to beat me again. 

"Then the crowd called for their leader. They took me to a small hut and locked me inside. They kept me locked up from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. "During that time, I was praying to the living God. I remembered the verse where Jesus said, 'In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.' Through this Bible verse, I got courage to face any problem. 

"When they took me out of the room at 8:00 p.m., I was very hungry and cold. They took me to a road to meet the extremist leader. But I was thinking and looking for some way to escape. So I told them I needed to use the bathroom, and they let me walk into the forest. I walked a little ways and then started to run. Some started to chase me and loudly told the others that I was running away, and so many people ran after me. 

"I don't know from where I got such power to run. The mob even took their jeep and bike to catch me, but as I was running through paddy fields, they couldn't catch me. I even fell in a small well, but God helped me to get out. And again I started to run through the forest. "Up until midnight, I was sitting in the forest. My whole body was in severe pain, but God gave me strength to walk 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) through the forest without fear. I found a village where I know a Christian family. 

"Around 3 a.m., I reached their house and told them what had happened to me. They gave me a place to sleep and kept me there for two days, until I went to another village and got some medicine. On November 27, I safely reached a GFA district office. Now I am in the office resting, but I still have pain in my chest and legs. “I thank God that He has saved my life. I also want to give thanks to all those who sincerely prayed for me. Kindly keep remembering me in your prayers." 
Missionary  Couple Captured In Gambia
Also in Gambia, A British missionary couple is in custody after being charged with sedition. The Gambian government claims 60-year-old David Fulton and has 46-year-old wife, Fiona, are accused of sending letters criticizing Gambia's government to individuals and groups. 
The Fulton's had lived in Gambia for 12 years, serving as chaplain with the Gambian army. Both of them were very active in spreading the Good News among the Muslims in the country. 90-percent of the people in the Gambia are Muslims." 
Gambia is a tiny West African nation of 1.7 million people and is among the world's poorest nations. The couple's two-year-old adopted daughter has also been affected. She was also originally imprisoned with her mom. But after a few days, authorities decided to remove the two-year-old from the mother. She's not being taken care of by family friends. 
Sources said the Muslim-led government arrested the couple because they feel threatened by the Christians in that country so they want to stop them from spreading the Good News. Another source said: "Currently he is in a very serious condition. He is been put in a very high-security prison, and he's very sick. He's unable to eat." Pray that the couple will be released and be reunited with their daughter.
Restrictive religion law passes parliament in Nagorno-Karabakh
A restrictive religion law passed its final parliamentary reading in the unrecognized Azerbaijani breakaway republic of Nagorno-Karabakh on November 26, according to a December 4 report from Forum 18. President Sahakyan has one month to either approve or reject the law that imposes ambiguous restrictions on religious groups. The law includes an apparent ban on unregistered religious activity, even though a minimum of 100 adult citizens would be necessary in order to register. Further restrictions include the censorship of religious literature by the state and the ban on some religious groups from spreading their faith.
Pray that the President will reject this law. Ask God to grant boldness to the Christians who suffer hardships in Nagorno-Karabakh.
Church Demolished in Somalia
Recently, Muslim militants demolished a church in Kismayo, a town in southern Somalia that has been in the control of a militant Islamic organization affiliated with Al-Qaeda since August. The militants have vowed to launch similar attacks on all other local non-Muslim places of worship. They plan to replace the destroyed church with a mosque. Islamists have reportedly imposed Sharia law in another southern town, Celwaq, elevating concern for Christians in the region. 
Pray that the believers in Somalia will be steadfast in their service for the Lord. Pray that they will rejoice in the opportunity to grow in Christlikeness through their tribulations (James 1:2-4).
Children are not Left out of the Attack in Egypt
A Christian mother discovered that her twin thirteen-year-old sons, Mario and Andrew, had been placed in Islamic education classes to reflect their father's religion, despite the fact that their father moved out when he converted to Islam and remarried in 2002. Upon his conversion he used his legal right to change his sons' religion to Islam on their birth certificates; in Egypt a child's religion is dictated by the religion of their parent. 
On September 3, the court hearing to decide whether or not the twins can "re-convert" to Christianity was adjourned indefinitely, according to a September 5 report from Compass Direct. The adjournment was due to the boys' attorney not attending the hearing because he believed that the outcome of another case involving converts to Islam seeking "re-conversion" could affect their case. The court will also decide whether or not the twins will remain in their mother's care. According to many interpretations of Islamic law, which is enshrined in Egypt's constitution, custody of children must be granted to whichever parent is Muslim. A law that grants the mother custody of her children until they are 15 only applies to Muslim women. 
Pray that the Christian faith of these two boys will be legally recognized. Pray that their faithfulness will be a light that draws their father and other nonbelievers to Christ. Pray for all Egyptian Christians that are serving the Lord in an environment of opposition.

Food or Fooled?

 Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, 'You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?" 2 And the woman said to the serpent, "We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; 3 but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, 'You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.' " 4 Then the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." 6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings. Gen 3:1-7

Starting from creation at the garden of Eden, the devil is  out to destroy man. His effort did not just stop at the garden of Eden. Even now, he is working at it. He comes in subtle ways making you feel he is a trusted friend whereas he is not. When he visited Eve in the above passage, he presented himself as  friend  and projected God as unfriendly, insincere  in creation  and does not want His creatures  to be like Him. Until now the devil still do the same. Some of such  deceits are: painting junk food as good for the body, divorce as better than mending our homes, all in the bid to destroy the beautiful body and homes that God has given us to enjoy.  
 “And God said behold I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed, to you it shall be for meat” (Genesis 1:29). 
Here, the creator or simply put the manufacturer of the machine called man was kind enough to have given man the guide on how to keep the body well.  If anything contrary goes in to the body, it is death. The three fold ministry of the devil as recorded in  John 10:10 which is to kill, steal and destroy were put into play since the garden of Eden. He does this by presenting the opposite of what God asked His children to eat. In our days he diverts people's attention from fresh fruits to processed foods. With  this we ignore all the nutrients which are supposed to keep the body away from diseases and go for chaff  which are of no VALUE to the body.  Instead of fresh juices/fruits  we opt for canned and packaged  drinks with so much preservatives, sugar, caffeine, etc. which are harmful to the body.
As I sat in theater waiting to be operated on the breast for cancer, a doctor came to me and said, madam, after the operation I advice you to eat “good food”. I asked what kind of food do you refer to as good food because I believe in balance diet - protein, carbohydrates, vitamin etc. He answered prepare your food with plenty fish, meat, vegetables etc. I thanked him for that information. The devil has fooled us to make us think that, “good food” is plenty fish, meat etc.
 I remember a sight I saw in a restaurant one day. A man sat for a plate of pounded yam with a bottle of malt, pepper soup of chicken with plenty meat popularly referred to in Nigeria as roundabout or kayan chiki. In my heart I thought this man was enjoying himself. I felt maybe his wife might be suffering at home. With what I know now, I recall the event and I feel sorry for him. He was “enjoying” himself in ignorance.

Every manufacturer has a guide on how to use, handle and maintain their product called the manual. The manual  always accompany the product. You are suppose to study the manual so as not to make mistake in its usage and thereby last longer,  as per life span. For example, if you buy a car you are suppose to study the manual to know whether you are to use diesel or petrol. You also need to study to know where to pour the water etc. If you use petrol instead of the recommended diesel by the manufacturer you will get your car knocked. So also it is with the body. The manual given by the creator (manufacturer) for the upkeep of this body is Gen.1:29. What that means is that herbs and fruits are what we need for the maintenance of the body. He has his reasons for saying that. The same thing goes to the animals. Gen. 1:30. 
Reading/studying the Bible we discover that until the time of Noah, men were living hundreds of years. The word of God said Noah was six hundred years old when the flood came(Gen. 7:6). At this age Noah was still strong, mentally alert and had good sight all because of the kind of the food he was eating. After this period, the life span of man started dropping on the face of the earth and now it is worst. We even  hardly get to the 70years promised for our generation in Ps. 90:10 “The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away”(KJV). Today, So many sicknesses, diseases and infirmities have invaded the land and some doctors tagged it INCURABLE.
To understand why God said the herbs and fruits (raw vegetables and fruits )are for food unto man, we need to know and also understand how this body is made to function. The first thing we need to realise is that the body is a living organism made of millions of living cells. Each cell requires nutrients and oxygen to generate the power needed by the body. The body also has a defence mechanism call the immune system. The nervous system transmits impulses throughout the body. Respiratory system controls our oxygen intake. Indeed the Bible was right when in Psalms 139:14 it says “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well”(KJV). 
Cooked foods generally looses a lot of its nutrient which the cell need. Our environment is polluted with industralisation therefore the air we breathe is no longer pure. There is scarcity of portable water especially in Nigeria where pure clean water is meant for the rich. With these the cells get weaker and  weaker by the day and thereby causing us to be sick. That is the reason why these days by 40years of age about 70% of the human population has a sickness or diseases which the doctor calls genetic and incurable etc. Nobody in the Bible were told had genetic ailment. We read in the Bible that “and he died” Not “and he had an incurable disease and died”. We shall talk about some of the diseases called incurable or terminal later. But let me quickly mention here that sickness like cancer, diabetics, high blood pressure(BP) are just our bodies reacting to foods we eat which the Almighty creator never planned for us to take into the body. If we want to reverse the situation then we must go back to the manufacturers guide -fresh herbs and fruits. By following this guide the immune system takes care of any unwanted visitor (sickness) and we will not need to spend  so much money on drugs (which also has side effect).
* This is an extract from Lucy Abah’s book,  How God Delivered me From Cancer Through Eating Fruits and Vegetables.


“…He (Jesus) saith unto Philip, whence shall we buy bread that these may eat? And this he said to prove Him, for He Himself knew what He would do”. (John 6:5-6) 
The scripture quoted above is from the bible account of the miraculous feeding of the five thousand believers in the wilderness. They were people who had taken extra miles to the wilderness, for the gospel of Christ. While others savoured the pleasures of their beds in the night, these ones went beyond their conveniences and comfort for the gospel.
In these days, where the love of many have gone cold with fair-weather, “ice-cream and butter” Christianity, these believers endured the hardships, hunger and pains in the wilderness, for the love of Christ. There is nothing wrong with God given comfort. The reason for comfort in the kingdom is that others should be comforted with our comfort. This “comfort of others” is the essence of missions/missionary activities, whereby, the gospel of salvation from sin and death is taken to the region beyond. 
The state of contemporary missionaries 
The story given in John 6:1-13, depicts the challenges faced by missionaries today. Many of them are called to labour in lands far away from their native lands. They often forsake the comfort of their relatively luxurious homes to toil in the “wilderness” places of the earth, where others dread. The fulfilment of the great commission remains their vision and mission.
“Go ye into the world and preach the gospel to every creature”. (Mark 6:15)
The missionaries are front line soldiers in the battle for the lost souls of men. Consequently, they are continually exposed to the vagaries of satanic frustrations and wrath.
Missionary kids pay dearly for their parents' ministries. They are cut off from many modern amenities like standard schools, hospitals for deliveries of unborn child, etc.
Above all, the segregations in the church of Jesus today, clearly put the missionaries in a category called “NO-MAN-PIKIN”  in Nigerian pigin English parlance.
The Lord wants to meet the physical needs of the missionaries. To encourage their commitment to the high call of God in their lives, the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter should be met by the church. If a man cannot go, he must support those who have gone, if the church must be of the same mind, same goal, same faith, same family and same commission.
Why should the urban church care? 
“And I sought for a man among them…” (Ezekiel 22:30)
The word “among them” is to say that God is relying on His people, not strangers, to finance missions and support missionaries. The church must take care because Jesus cares. He could have taken away the hunger from their bellies, because He is God. He could have also released them to go source their answers. Yet, He did not do these. Rather, He partnered with men to meet the needs   of the hour.
The Divine Partnership  
“Whence shall we buy bread that these (missionaries in the wilderness) may eat?” 
(John 6:5b Emphasis is mine).
In other words:
1. From where?

When Jesus Builds His Church By Omotola Akinshehinwa

Taking into considerations the various forces that will oppose the gospel, Jesus assured us that He will build His church and the gates of hell shall NOT prevail against it. That makes missions research and reports not to be stories of woes only. It is true that the devil fights so hard to stop the advance of the gospel but it is also true that the devil does not have the final say.

 Missions research today have it that 29 countries have less than 1% of their population that are believers. A lot of them are closed to the gospel. Most of them They are not only close to the gospel but are dangerous to enter. Some includes:  Algeria, Bhutan, Iran, Maldives, North Korea, Sahara and Somalia. There others where  tent-making ministry are possible: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Comoros, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia, Yemen and Libya and some others that are open to Christian witness. They include: Cambodia, Mongolia, Nepal, Niger, Thailand and Turkey.

For some mission practitoners, there should be no phrase like closed doors since Jesus had decleared that the gate of hells cannot stand the advance of the gospel.  We are trully beginning to see Jesus pronouncement coming to pass speedily in two of the most resistant countries  Algeria and Iran. They are stories of Jesus building His church himself. In 1930, Raymond Lull, a French missionary went to Algeria for missionary work. He was killed. The church did not give. Many more persons were drafted into the land. They gave themselves to prayers. They also mobilised the church to pray. Today, the story is different. Many Algerians are turning to the Lord.

In the early 1960s, just two decades before Iran would become completely close to mission work, a team of American missionaries began a work among the Persian Armenian community in Tehran. Most of these Armenians were the descendants of a forced exile to Iran in 1604 under the Shah Abbas. Over the centuries they developed a unique culture, dialect and appearance as they assimilated with their host nation.  The missionaries' recognized the potential for these Persian Armenians to serve as a “bridge-people” between Islam and Christianity, and so began work among them with this in mind. This spirit-led hunch turned out to be correct. One of the first five disciples of the Armenian missionary team was a man named Havik Hovespian.

In late 1960s he received a call from God to go as a missionary to the northern province of Mazandaran with the specific purpose of starting a work among Muslims. Though he was officially commissioned by the church in Tehran for this purpose, his burden for Muslims was one that few Persian Armenians shared or understood at that time. Most believed he was wasting his time. However, by 1976, after about eight years of labouring, five house churches had been established with around 20muslims background believers.

In the year 2000, Christian satellite broadcasting began beaming the gospel to almost every home in Iran. This was made possible by the fact that millions of satellite dishes have been illegally smuggled into Iran by corrupt members of the same government that had outlawed them. The Christian satellite programs became a lifeline for the church in Iran. This growth has happened so fast that the underground church can keep apace. In one example, a house church that began with two persons several years ago has now multiplied into over twenty groups. The Frontier Magazine reported:“Starting churches in Iran is easy! Everywhere you go to evangelize people are ready to receive the gospel, or they have already become believers through satellite broadcast” Training leaders is also easy remarks another Christian leader remarked a Christian leader.

The government has left the young people with nothing to do. So believers spend time with one another everyday. They are constantly gathering for prayer, bible study and evangelism. When a group reaches 25 people, they divide in half and begin again. Within two years a new believer is expected to become a leader of a new house fellowship and a disciple of new leaders. One lady who has personally distributed 20,000 bibles, says never once did anyone turn her down. Rather the vast majority received it as the greatest treasure they had ever been given. Without any doubt, the move of the Holy Spirit in Iran is evidence of that ultimate and enduring reality.   

When Jesus build His Church, the gate of hells cannot prevail against it! Pray along with us that what God is doing in Algeria and Iran will be extended to all the closed countries, the 68 countries in the 10/40 window and the world over.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Deliverance From Death - Untold Testimonies of How God Delivered African Missionaries from the Grips of Terminal Diseases

Death is one of the weapons the devil use to cut down the labour force in the mission circle. The past few years have witness the sudden passing away of very key frontline missionaries and the vacuum left behind will take several years to be filled. Several others, though alive yet very handicap because of serious health challenges. Grace Foundation Inland Missions is not left out from these challenges.
This piece will dwell on testimonies of how God delivered several of his children from the power of death and other deadly diseases. It is hoped that the revelation will first and foremost stir up the church to pray for frontline missionaries and their families, to encourage others currently going through afflictions and let them know that God who gave us testimonies will give them testimony also. Finally, these testimonies are meant to give God all the thanks and glory for all He has done for us.

The First Near-Death Experience
In 1995, I traveled to Kamberi mission field to supervise the work of our missionaries, pray and encourage them which was my routine journey. I stumbled into a need I could not ignore. One of the missionaries just brought her younger sister to live with them. I noticed that the future of the eight year old girl will be bleak if she is not taken away from that place to a place where she could have access to Western education. I volunteered to leave immediately with the girl not knowing she had a witchcraft spirit and that she was following me on three missions to kill me, my wife and children.
She succeeded in throwing my eldest son, Nehemiah Abah when he was three years old into a very deep well and covered the well. He was meant to die by drowning or suffocation. By divine intervention, Nehemiah cried from the covered well, the mother heard him from a very far distance and ran close to the well. A man who passed by noticed how confused my wife was and upon enquiry entered the well, brought him out and disappeared. I believed he is God's angel. We took him for medical check up and the Medical personnel did not believe he was thrown into the well. God shielded him from harm. Today, Nehemiah is alive and safe because God preserved his life.
The eight year old girl who threw him into the well confessed that she did it because their plan to kill me and my wife failed and they decided to kill our son so as to discourage us from continuing with our missionary work. She revealed so many other efforts they have put in place in reaction to what she referred to as offensive war being launched on them by what we thought is a humble effort to enthrone Jesus as Lord over the nations

The War Was Not Over
After that victory over death, we thought that the war is over but we were far from the truth. The devil came very hard on us from all sides. Armed robbery, ill health, court cases over our N10million property which we eventually lost after the donor died, death of a dear missionary, Irene Onjefu after very brief illness and missionary attrition. The devil also hit hard on my health. I had all the symptoms of diabetes yet my sugar level was very normal, from weeks to months of going from hospital to hospitals.
My personal physician said it was stress and that I needed to take time to rest. My Deputy, Pastor J.T. Akanni took charge. Together with my wife, they ran the ministry. The more I rested, the more my situation got worse. At the end, I was given diabetic drug which instead of tackling the diabetic symptoms, stirred up my sugar level and the battle with real diabetes began. I lost weight profusely like a HIV/AIDS patient. I did several medical tests including HIV/AIDS test and the result was negative. At this time it was to boring for me to stay indoor. I resumed work. I preferred to die on my duty post rather than to continue with a life of boredom. At the heart of the crises, I lost two of my precious staff Both of them were holding very sensitive position of responsibility.
The body of Christ across the world prayed. We were showed real love from every nooks and cranny of the world where people knew us. Many visited, some called and others sent emails. Time and space will not permit us to list names. Several churches and para-churches still had confidence in us. They still open doors of their churches for me to come and minister with my last strength. We saw results. Many volunteered to become missionaries and I felt fulfilled inside me that even if I died, God was already raising an army to Himself that will continue from where I will stop.

God had a Different Plan
I was not to die then because His program for my life was not over. He used the President of the Nigeria Christian Medical association to intervene. He was moved by my appearance when we met at the bank. He referred me to a colleague of his at a Teaching Hospital. After test, he recommended a drug which helped brought my sugar level back to normal and brought the diabetic symptoms under check. God rode on the prayer of the saint to restore my health. He took away my infirmities and life was restored. I resumed active ministry work and God has remained my strength.

The Devil had Another Joker
After my recovery, the devil became furious. He focused on my wife. Her delivery of our last two kids was like hell let loose. The devil fought hard but though she had to go through surgical operation, both her and the baby were safe. The devil will still not give up. The devil struck her with fibroid, it was strange because we were used to unmarried women who had not given birth that develop fibroid not a woman with four kids already. As usual, we prayed fervently and trusted God for miracle. It was as if the more we prayed the more the fibroid grows. After several months of ceaseless pain and prayers, we concluded that she go for surgery. Despite all the negative whispers of the devil, the surgery was successful.
The last joker of the devil came before she recovered from the injury of the fibroid operation. This time it was cancer of the breast. The Doctors recommended the removal of the breast so as to check the spread of the cancer cell. We did obey the Doctor but unfortunately, the removal of the breast did not help matter. Before she could recover from the surgery, it was confirmed that the cancer had spread to the second breast and under the arm pit. The Doctors confided in us that they can only manage her for a short time describing cancer as death sentence. They recommended she embark on chemotherapy and radiotherapy. One of the Doctors recommended we proceed to London for the therapy while another recommended the National Hospital.
We resolved to go to London and the cost was alarming. As missionaries, we could not raise such a huge amount of money. In Lucy's word: 'God has made free provision of divine healing for me on Calvary and by His stripe, I am healed.” We held to that confession. We prayed. We cried to God. We pleaded with Him. We had people praying for us almost every hour of the day. We fasted. We were persuaded that the answer is not in either chemotherapy or radiotherapy. We had also confirmed from our research that less than 10% of those who go through chemotherapy and radiotherapy survive. We held on to God. We were loved by men and women across the globe. Some pray as individuals, others as family and some others as church. We also receive reports of pastors coming together to pray for us in certain cities. We cannot thank all those who stood by us enough.

The Turning Point
The turning point came when Margaret Aleonewese led us to one of the disciples of Dr. George Malkmus, the author of Why Christian Get Sick., Gloria Davies. She began by sharing her experiences with cancer which she had earlier documented in her book titled: You Can Refuse to Die. According to Mrs. Davies, vegetable and fruit were very fundamental in her healing from cancer. She was quick to cite Genesis 1:29 : “ And God said, "Look! I have given you the seed-bearing plants throughout the earth and all the fruit trees for your food.” In her words: “Fruits and vegetable, when eaten raw, they contain life force that helps to rebuild our cells and empower our immune system to fight any disease”. She added that what we cook and eat has been badly denatured and contain no life and as such incapacitate instead of building the immune system. She also added that Eve had no stove in the garden of Eden to prepare meals for Adam.
We did not jump at what she said as the key to Lucy's healing we have been praying for but also took time to pray more, studied the scripture and other related literatures. We found Ezekiel 47:12 as confirmation “Along the bank of the river, on this side and that, will grow all kinds of trees used for food; their leaves will not wither, and their fruit will not fail. They will bear fruit every month, because their water flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for medicine."
Dr. George Malkmus, in his book, Why Christian Get Sick., revealed that there is approximately 100 trillion cells in human body that must be constantly cleansed and replaced and this cannot be done properly if the body is full of toxins and has inadequate nutrients. According to him, the only food that can be used to rebuild a healthy living cell is life food with emphasis on raw fruits and vegetables.
Malkmus remarked that the average person takes more time to select the grade of gasoline to put into their automobiles than the food they put in their mouth stressing that since World War II, our food has been increasingly contaminated with chemical pesticides and preservatives that weaken the immune system.
He further explained that the implication of the human body being made from the dust of the ground is that it requires living, natural food from the earth to renew its cells and sustain health. Malkmus warned that health cannot be restored by taking drugs because drugs cannot rebuild the cells of the body. He noted that when healthful practices are followed, the body will turnout to be self healing.
Even the medical practitioners are begining to accept this reality themselves. William Lane, a world authority on medical matters and foremost abdominal surgeon in his address to John Hopkins Hospital and Medical College was cited as saying … I will never die of cancer. I am taking measures to prevent it… It is caused by poison created in our bodies by the food we eat… what we should do then, if we would avoid cancer, is to eat raw fruits and vegetables. According to him, the result will be better nourishment and easy elimination of waste products.
Frontline healing ministers are beginning to discover that the result of their prayers is often shortened as long as the sick persons that are prayed for do not change their eating habit and lifestyle. Benny Hinn for example has been constantly inviting nutritionist.
Austin Aifou was one time National President of Nigeria Fellowship of Evangelical Student (NIFES) and currently overseeing the work of Ezra project in Maiduguri, North of Nigeria. He was down with high blood pressure and diabetes. He heard of this lifestyle of taking in more of raw vegetable and fruit. Today his story has changed.

Lucy's Story Today
God heard the prayer of the church and spared her life. How do we know God healed her? Physically there was no evidence of sickness. Life fully returned to her. Our partners in South Africa and Directors of MET, Rev. & Mrs. Gerald Golbeck who have been praying for us invited us to South Africa for a medical checkup which they paid for in one of the best Oncology Center in the continent. They did all kinds of test and concluded that there is no trace of cancer cell in her body again. The Doctor in Nigeria insisted on seeing the different test conducted and their result. He was dumbfounded at what he saw and as a believer, he concluded that it must be God. Jokingly, he recommended that my wife should start a cancer foundation so as to help cancer patients.
One of the things God told us when Lucy was sick is In Luke 22:32 “But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren." We have come to realise that God allowed us to go through this experience and spared Lucy's life so we can “strengthen” the brethren. We are better equipped to pray for the sick. We are better equipped to counsel on what to do to overcome prematured death. We are grateful to God who healed her.

Urgency For God's Work
We have come close to death over and over in our lives that we need not to be told to approach God's work with every seriousness. While, we acknowledge how God used various vessels to pray for us and teach us basic principles to adopt to live healthy and prolong life, we are not ignorant of the fact that death is the ultimate end of man and what we cannot do for God now, we will not be able to do when God calls us home.

10 Most Needy Unreached People Groups in Nigeria

Unreached people group is a term used for a people group among which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize themselves.
The concept became very popular as the church seek to pursue the fulfillment of the prophecy of John in Rev. 7:9 “… a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb”. A research of all the major people groups in the world was carried out and surprisingly,Out of about six billion people on earth, 1.2 billion(20% have not heard the gospel yet.). Out of 332000 known missionaries worldwide, 328000 work among the evangelised. Only 4000 work among the unreached people. That is a ratio of one missionary to every 300000 unreached people. 1739 people groups are still unreached several centuries after Jesus had come and paid the price for our redemption.
Out of these, 590 are from Africa and not less than 40 from Nigeria. No fewer than ten of the unreached people groups are listed among the chronic groups that have very insignificant number of Christians. Most of the ten do not even have a single person who is a Christian. This remind us of questions raised by Oswald J. Smith Why should some people be hearing the gospel over and over whereas others are not given the opportunity to hear about him once? This is nothing short of criminal negligence and a clear indication of the great omission of the great commission.
Below is the list of 10 of the over 20 chronic unreached people groups and how they can be found:
1. SHANGAWAS - Also known as the Kyengawa are among the descents of Kishera who left Badr near Mecca to escape Islam. They are found in Dendi, Bagudo and Yauri LGAs of Kebbi State. The only convert in Nigeria is reported to have gone back to Islam.
2. BUDUMA: Live on the shores of Lake Chad, No known Christian
3. BOLEWA - Fika and Nangere LGAs of Yobe State, and in Bauchi State, No known Christian
4. BUTAWAS - The Butawa live in Ningi LGA of Bauchi State, No known Christian
5. LARU- Borgu LGA of Niger State, No known Christian
6. BARUBA Baruten LG of Kwara state, No known Christian
7. BASHAR - Found in Wase and Kanam LGAs, in Plateau State, No known Christian
8. ACHIPAWAS Sakaba LGA in Kebbi State & Mariga LGA of Niger state. Only 25 converts in 3 villages
9. BISA- Borgu LGA of Niger State, Only two known Christians
10. KUTIN- The Kutin are found in Ganye LGA of Adamawa State. Only Four Christians